6 Superfoods To Prevent Breast Cancer


The risk of breast cancer in women is increasing at an alarming rate. WHO has even predicted that the number of breast cancer cases will reach an alarming number, where one in every eight women will be at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The only thing that can help in reducing the risk is a healthy lifestyle especially the diet. Keeping that in mind here are the best foods that you must include in your diet to lessen the risk of cancer.

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1. Flaxseeds- There are several ways in which you can consume flaxseeds. You can either eat them whole, ground or in the form of oil. Flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and lignans which for a protective layer on the healthy cells thus protecting them against the cancer cells which are responsible for breast cancer. The best way to include flaxseeds in your diet is by adding it to your smoothies, cereal, salads, etc. You can also add them to cookies, cakes, muffins and other baked goods for a nice contrast of texture and taste.

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2. Brazil nuts- Brazil nuts are very high in selenium, phytochemicals and fibre content. Brazil nuts help in reducing inflammation, enhance the immune system and prevent the growth of the tumour. You need not eat a lot of these- 5-6 nuts is the perfect serving size for the brazil nuts. You can eat them on their own just like any other nut, or you can also add them to your salads and cereal if you want to.

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Also Read: Things Your Breasts Are Trying To Tell You

3. Garlic- Garlic is a rich source a compound which is known for its cancer-fighting properties. This compound is known as allium. Garlic along with its close relatives such as onions, scallions, leeks and chives have shown to slow down the growth of the tumour and thus help in preventing breast cancer along with prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. If you cannot add it to your food, swallow a clove of garlic every morning to keep breast cancer risk at bay.

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4. Pomegranate- This is one of the most recommended food items for preventing breast cancer. The reason for the breast cancer preventing properties lies in the fact that pomegranates contain polyphenol which is an ellagic acid which has antioxidant properties which prevent the growth of cancer cells. Try to include this juicy and tasty fruit in your diet in order to reap its benefits.

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5. Dark green vegetables– We all know that dark green vegetables are amazing for your health. From spinach, kale to collard greens, dark green leafy vegetables have got all that you need in order to ward off cancerous cells. These contain phytochemicals, chlorophyll, vitamin B and more. Do you still need more reasons to add this goodness to your diet?

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6. Green tea- The regular consumption of green tea has well been associated with the lowering the incidence of breast cancer. The health benefits of green tea can be dedicated to the phytochemicals found in green tea. Having 1-2 cups of green tea on a daily basis helps in keeping breast cancer risk under check.

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Also Read: 7 Natural Foods to Eat for Healthy Breasts

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