8 Do’s And Don’ts Of Kissing


The first kiss is something that you are always going to remember despite the fact if it was a good one or not so good one. Like every other thing in life, you get better at it with practice, but there are certain things that you must keep in mind while kissing. Below we have mentioned some of the do’s and don’ts of kissing so that you can make your make out session a little better.

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1. Keep your passion in your control- Passion is a very important aspect of having a perfect kiss, but getting too much carried away with the flow is totally unacceptable. Don’t get over excited and go too hard on your partner’s lips. Little nibbling is alright but avoiding clinking your teeth while you are at it.

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2. Keep your saliva to yourself- Wet kisses are fine, sloppy kisses aren’t. It is as simple as that. Nothing could be more annoying and disgusting than getting mouthfuls of saliva getting transferred to your mouth. Even if you are totally into that person but you still would want saliva dripping from the sides of his/her mouth.

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3. Using your tongue before your lips- A good kiss needs to start with lips, gradually start picking up the pace and after that, the tongue comes in action. If you start a kiss by directly shoving your tongue in the other person’s mouth, then you are portraying yourself as a desperate person. In fact, if it is your first kiss with that person try to avoid the French kiss by all

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4. Don’t stop the oxygen supply- Yes you both need oxygen even when you are getting the business sorted. Continuous sucking, pushing too hard and shoving the tongue into the other person’s throat can actually make them chock. Be gentle and let your partner and yourself breath.

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5. Don’t be too gentle- Yes, you should be gentle but don’t kiss as if you’ve had sedatives. Being gentle and lack of passion are two different things. You have to be gentle but you have to have the passion intact.

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6. Try to follow the lead- You need to judge the person you are kissing the way they kiss you. A lot of times the way your partner is kissing you is the way they want to be kissed. So all you have to do is let them take the lead and then follow their actions. Kiss your partner the way he/she kisses you and at the place, they are kissing you.

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7. Add some variety- ‘Kiss’ might be just a four letter word but it has vast spread horizons. So when it comes to kissing you don’t have to just stick to the boring basics. Variety is the spice of life and it is very apt when we are talking about kissing. Try to add variety to your kiss, try different types of kisses, kiss each other at the most unexpected places or anything else you can think of. In short, add variety and a new aspect to your kisses.

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8. Getting too carried away with the biting- There is a whole lot of difference between nibbling and biting. Don’t get too carried away with the kissing that you end up scarring your partner’s lips. Gently biting or nibbling on your partner’s lips is a very sexy move to add to your make out session, but you have to be very gentle while doing it.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Kissing8Image Source: ladysovety

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