Use Coffee To Look Even More Beautiful- Here Is How…!


A lot of people cannot even start their day without coffee. This is because of the caffeine that is present in the coffee. It awakens your brain and get you started for the day. But apart from that coffee has a lot of benefits for your overall body and health too.

Today we are going to discuss with you some of the ways in which you can use coffee to beautify yourself.

1. Exfoliate your skin- Ground coffee works as a great exfoliator and helps you in getting rid of the dead skin cells revealing the new cells. This makes your complexion look brighter while removing the unwanted layer of cells and all the gunk collected in your pores which may lead to acne in future. You can prepare your very own coffee scrub by combining ground coffee with some honey and a few drops of coconut oil (only if your skin is dry) to make a scrub. Use this scrub to exfoliate your face as well as your body.

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Use Coffee To Look More Beautiful1Image Source: squarespace

2. Treat puffy eyes- We all have those mornings where we get up with swollen puffy eyes which are often the result of lack of sleep, dehydration, too much alcohol consumption or binge watching your favourite TV show. But whatever the reason may be, the question is how to treat them. When you prepare your morning cup of caffeine keep aside the coffee grounds and later put them on your under eye and lid area. Wash it off after 10 minutes.

Use Coffee To Look More Beautiful2Image Source: elitedaily

3. Add depth to your hair colour- If you are heading to a party or have a special day out and want your hair to look absolutely stunning and shiny then use coffee as an immediate fix. Add 2 tsp. of ground coffee to your conditioner and apply it on the lengths of your hair. Leave it on for 5-7 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Use Coffee To Look More Beautiful3Image Source: stylecraze

4. To get rid of cellulite– Cellulite can ruin your appearance especially when you are wearing shorts, skirts or bikinis. Now with regular exercise and diet you can get rid of this. But if you are not someone who likes to go to the gym or exercise then you can use a coffee and baking soda scrub to get rid of those unpleasant dimples. Mix one part of ground coffee with two parts of baking soda and use it every other day to scrub the area where you have cellulite.

Use Coffee To Look More Beautiful4Image Source: viralka

5. As a foot soak- Coffee grounds work great for getting rid of the foot callus but it also works great as a foot soak too. The antioxidants in the coffee works great in relieving the stress and rejuvenating your tired feet. Just add a tsp. or two of ground coffee in half a tub of moderately hot water and soak your feet in it. You can also add a few drop of your favourite essential oil to it too.

Use Coffee To Look More Beautiful5Image Source: sndimg

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