5 Natural Ingredients to Lighten Your Dark Underarms at Home


Dark underarms can be a huge embarrassment, especially if you are wearing any sleeveless dress. Dark armpits keep you away from flaunting those sexy summer dresses and make you feel less confident about yourself. No, it’s not about hitting your confidence but it’s about hygiene too.

Do you feel like getting clear and light skin toned armpits is like a dream that will never come true? Then, you are definitely wrong ladies!

In this post, you will read about great natural remedies that you can use to lighten and whiten your dark armpits.

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Here are 5 natural ingredients that you can use to reduce the darkness of your underarms and repair the damaged skin naturally.

Also read: 6 Home Remedies to Vanish Away Dark Underarms

1. Lemon Juice
Lemon is known to be a natural bleaching agent which is great for lightning and whitening your skin tone. It also moisturizes the area.

Cut a lemon into half and start rubbing it gently on your armpits in circular motion. Do this for the next 2-3 minutes and wash off with water later. Repeat this every day before having a bath, and you’ll get desired results in 10-12 days.

Image Source: greatlifeandmore

2. Potato Juice Or Slice
Potato is well-known for its skin lightning properties, and reducing itchiness from your skin. It also acts as an anti-irritant for your underarms or sensitive areas.

You can either place thin potato slices on your underarms or you can also apply potato juice as well. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes then wash off with normal water. Repeat this twice a day for quick results.

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Also read: The Best 10 Skin Whitening Creams and Lotions in India

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar acts as a disinfectant and has mild acidic properties that helps in removing dead cells from your skin.

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of baking soda, in a small bowl together. Now apply this paste on your underarms and let it stay for the next 10 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Repeat this process thrice a week to get the desired results.

Image Source: healinglifeisnatural

4. Olive Oil
Olive oil has great skin lightning properties and provides essential nourishment for your skin. Mixing it with granulated sugar makes it a perfect exfoliator to remove dead skin cells.

Take one tablespoon of brown sugar and one tablespoon of olive oil and mix well. now using this mixture, scrub your underarms for at least 2-3 minutes and then leave it for the next 5 minutes. Now wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat twice in a week to get desired results.

Image Source: alto-mar

Also read: 6 Genius Ways to Use Milk Powder for Fairer Skin

5. Aloe Vera
The best way is to scoop out the fresh gel from the aloe leaves, otherwise you can also buy organic Aloe Vera gel from the market. It has antibacterial properties, that kill the bacteria of your underarms and gives a soothing sensation as well.

All you need to do is apply a sufficient amount of Aloe Vera gel on your underarms and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with normal or cold water afterward. This will leave your underarms well-nourished and removes the dead skin to make them look whiter and clearer.

Image Source: chrisbeatcancer

Go Ahead and try these amazing natural remedies to get clear and whiter underarms in lesser time. Share your experience with us in the comment section below!  

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