DIY Lip Scrub for Plump and Pink Lips


Lip darkening can be caused by over-exposure to the sun and also due to ageing. Our bad habits also contribute to our dark lips. We don’t pay attention to our lip moisturization. And so we constantly lick our lips which make our lips dry and chapped. Excessive dryness can cause the lips to darken and become flaky. Dry and pigmented lips never look pretty and also they are painful.

Today we are going to share a lip scrub recipe that will exfoliate your lips and make them appear plumper and pinker. So note down the ingredients and be ready to unveil the magic.

diy-lip-scrub-1 Image Source: self


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Also Read: Plump Up Your Lips With These Easy Tips

Things you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. of brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil (optional)
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. honey
diy-lip-scrub-2Image Source: honestlywtf

The ingredients of this lip scrub are chosen because of the benefits they have to offer to your lips.
1. Brown Sugar: Brown sugar gently exfoliates your lips and get rid of the dry and scaly skin. It also reduces the tanning from the lips.

Brown cane sugar in a wooden spoon. Close-up.Image Source: vivomaissaudavel

2. Cinnamon Powder: Cinnamon is known to improve blood circulation. This adds a plumping effect to your lips.

diy-lip-scrub-4Image Source: akamaihd

Also Read: 7 Best Ways to Lighten Dark Lips

3. Lemon essential oil is a natural bleaching agent. It reduces the tanning from the lips.

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diy-lip-scrub-5Image Source: jipambe

4. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and helps the cell rejuvenation in your lips.

diy-lip-scrub-6Image Source: bbcgoodfood

5. Honey is rich in anti-oxidants which renew the skin cells and it is also a natural humectant which keeps your lips hydrated.

diy-lip-scrub-7Image Source: style

Also Read: 5 Home Remedies For Chapped Lips

How to Prepare the Lip Scrub?
1. Mix the brown sugar and the cinnamon powder in a bowl. You can also roast some cinnamon sticks and then grind them to prepare the powder.
2. Add the lemon essential oil to it. Add some honey and mix it well to prepare a paste. Add the olive oil to the paste. You can also add some more essential oils to improve the quality of the lip scrub.
3. Transfer the lip scrub in a clean jar. Take some lip scrub in your fingertips and scrub your lips gently. Massage it gently and then leaves it for few minutes. Rinse it off with some water. Apply a lip balm on your lips afterward.

diy-lip-scrub-8Image Source: bobsrouge

4. The cinnamon powder in the scrub might make your lips sting a bit.

Also Read: Nourishing Home-Made Lip Balms for Naturally Pink Lips

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