Pasta and bean salad recipe is very simple and refreshing recipe that one can easily prepare at home. This recipe is perfect for the people who are conscious about their health and don't want...
Strawberry Chia seeds pudding recipe is a very simple dessert recipe that one can easily prepare at home. This quick vegan recipe is prepared with chia seeds, strawberries, and almond milk. And you can...
One thing for which the Punjabi cuisine is famous is the yummy paratha recipes that you can enjoy with any curry and vegetable. And for these parathas, you don't need to set the dough...
Panjiri recipe is a very simple and quick recipe that you can prepare for various family occasions and festivals. And as the Lohri festival is approaching you can prepare this delicious recipe at home...
Laddoo paratha recipe is a unique dessert recipe that you might hear of. This easy-to-make recipe is the one that you can prepare for various occasions and festivals. And as the Lohri festival is...
Rice salad recipe is a very simple and quick recipe. This recipe is very healthy and it is prepared with the goodness of rice and apples. And you can also prepare this unique recipe...
Paratha is considered as a perfect breakfast option to start your day. And you can easily pair it with pickle and curd. And one such paratha recipe is the methi paratha that you can...
Do you also love eating kebabs? Then, you will love this recipe. Palak ke kebab recipe is a very famous and simple snack recipe you can prepare at home. This snack tastes amazing when...