Happy Couples

5 Marriage Myths You Don’t Need to Believe In!

Myths take birth back in the times immemorial and continue to misguide people until a proper research is made. When you decide to get married, you will hear a lot about married life from...

7 Things Only ‘Happy Couples’ Do In A Relationship

When you’re in a relationship, you have to be accountable for your own actions. Your emotional intelligence tells a lot about how you handle your relationship. This is why happy couples are spotted out...

5 Bedtime Rules For A Happy Marriage

When we talk about bed time routine for couples most of the brains would just get diverted towards ‘sex’ (gather your thoughts back). But truth to be told, there are other things too that...

8 Bitter Truths Every Married Couple Will Agree On!

Marriage is the union of a lifetime and though before getting into the nuptial knot, bride and the groom are often showered with so many advice on how to lead a happy married life...

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