CH Mini

A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.
1377 POSTS



Know Why Kidney Beans Are Good for Weight Loss

Kidney beans commonly known as Rajma in India is known as a great source of fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron and other vital compounds. It was also found that red kidney beans also help in...

6 Makeup and Hair Tips for the Monsoon Season

The beautiful season of monsoon is here, and I am sure that you guys are all set to enjoy this season. But, as we all know, every season has its own pros and cons....

6 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Wrinkles Around the Mouth

Wrinkles around mouth or smoker's lines is a very common problem faced by the majority of women due to their delicate skin. While deep wrinkles around the mouth are also considered as a sign...

4 Benefits of Dry Brushing That You Should Know

Dry brushing is the latest beauty trend which is making everyone go gaga because of its various benefits. It is proved that this technique can have a huge impact on a person's skin. And...

7 Tips to Apply Foundation Perfectly

We all will agree on this fact that perfect makeup application requires a lot of practice and patience. There are many people who struggle with makeup application and even end with a makeup mishap...

7 Common Beauty Mistakes and Ways to Fix Them

We all have made beauty mistakes while applying makeup at one point in our lives. For instance, painting our teeth with the bright red lipstick or applying a lot of foundation on the face...

7 Signs That You Are Happy Being Single

If happiness is a state of mind then, why it is always related to being in a relationship or being single? For so long, there is weird belief according to which, a person's happily...

This Monsoon Try This Simple Egg Sandwich Recipe at Home

As the monsoon is arriving, we thought of sharing a simple egg sandwich recipe with you guys that you can easily prepare at home. Made with minimal ingredients, this recipe is loved by people...

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