8 Effective Ways To Naturally Grow Your Hair Faster

Between work and personal life, it is becoming quite difficult to manage personal health better than completing other tasks. This article is especially for the ladies who desire to have long and healthy hair...


Are you tired of your messy hair even after you have tried everything you know to keep them in place? Don’t worry ladies! We have a few tricks that you can follow to get...

6 Amazing Winter Hair Care Tips For Healthy And Bouncy Mane

With winters arriving, along with your skin your hair too need extra attention. If you want your hair to stay hydrated and lustrous throughout the chilly winters, then you need to follow some essential...

6 Tips To Take Care Of Your Hair During Monsoon

We all love to get soaked in the rain but did you know that this may actually have a damaging effect on your hair. The repetitive soaking during the monsoon combined with the humidity...

Tips and Tricks for Long-Wished-For, Healthy Locks

A very famous quote about beauty is “Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder”. However, if we take it from the viewpoint of 'appearance', we have to carry out some extra efforts in order...

How Many Times A Week Should You Oil Your Hair?

Our hair needs to be nourished just like our skin does. Without proper nutrients, you won’t be able to get strong and healthy hair. While eating healthy foods can boost your mane’s health, oiling...

This Is The Best Way To Take Care Of Your Curly Hair

You must have noticed that people who have curly hair often crave for straight hair and people with straight hair dream of having curly hair. And in order to get our desired hair, we...

Plucking Grey Hair Causes More Grey Hair: Myth or Fact?

Whenever you spot a grey hair, what do you feel? Do you feel like running for scissors to cut it off? Many people believe that when you pluck a grey hair, two more grey...

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