Make Fitness Fun And Easy Like A Pune-ite!

Pune is known to be the fittest city of our nation. The reason behind is their strict fitness regimes and their dedication for it. They make staying fit, fun and easy, and that is...

Top 12 Health & Beauty Benefits Of ‘Super-Food’ Cucumber

Cucumbers are one of the favorite veggie that Indians love to include in all their meals like sandwiches, salads, curds, and some even make a dish of cucumber, for their love of it. Unaware of...

Make Grapes Your New BFF This Summer, Here’s Why?

Grapes are tiny little balls of heaven, that are used in many sinful desserts as garnish or taste better when they are bottled up as wine. They make one of the most scrumptious delights...

7 Unknown Facts You Didn’t Know About Diet Soda Drinks

Don’t you just love that bubbly taste of your favorite diet soda drink? That instant energy-like feeling that you get after only one sip of it. Or that sound you hear when you open...

Expected Moms Can De-Stress Using These Simple Tips

Pregnancy is known to be the most beautiful phase of a woman’s life, and possibly the most stressful too! For the ladies, who are expecting their first child, this article will help you de-stress...

5 Food Items That Affect Your Skin’s Texture

Who doesn’t dream of having a flawless skin at all times? I couldn’t think of one such person, who will let their appetite ruin their beauty. And if you don’t want that to happen...

8 Harmful Post-Meal Habits You Need To Avoid That Can Wreak Havoc On Your Body

Eating healthy is not all about healthy food but it is also about what you choose to follow soon after eating that healthy food! Watching what you eat is good but it is the...

Eating A Bowl Of Daliya Every Day Can Be So Healthy For You

Living healthy is not a fad or a trend, but it’s a lifestyle. Haven’t we often heard that a healthy outside starts from the inside? And so it is true. Choosing to live and...

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