How do you feel when the Monday knocks your door? Or does your Monday morning blues till the end of the week? If yes, then you’re not alone. But do you know even the...
When we have leftover rice in your refrigerator, the only thing that most of us can think of making from it is some kind of fried rice, which may get quite monotonous and boring...
Rain! This single word is enough to bring the long lost memories to life. The cold breeze blows away the dust from the not-so-frequently turned chapters of our life, the chapter which once defined...
Women tend to be an exploited section of our society since ages. Even in this 21st century, a very large section of women is victimized in the hands of men as well as women....
What is your reaction on hearing Parval? ‘Ewww’ I guess! In fact, kids tend to skip dinner if ‘Parval’ is on the menu. But how to make it delectable? Let’s turn it into a...
There are times when your dog or cat stops eating anything for some time. Usually, they eat their food later but if he has not eaten for more than 24 hours, then it is...
Nobody likes living with lizards and cockroaches all the time. This is an actual problem these days. Sometimes, these lizards and cockroaches come along with many harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Though lizards eat away...
The best thing about cooking rice is that you can customize the rice according to the ingredients you have and your personal preferences. The recipe that I am going to share today is a...