These Are the 7 Reasons Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything!


There are times when your dog or cat stops eating anything for some time. Usually, they eat their food later but if he has not eaten for more than 24 hours, then it is a matter of concern. In such cases, it is very important to know why he isn’t eating at all.

Lack of appetite is often known by the name of anorexia, but this disease is much different in animals as compared to humans. For example, there can be many reasons behind anorexia in animals. This problem can be medical or psychological and sometimes, they require to be treated immediately. Otherwise, it can be fatal for your pet.

Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything1Image Source: dogspired

Anorexia in animals causes complete lack of appetite. This causes a decline in their overall health. If you think that your pet is suffering from such problem, then you should get him tested immediately. Pay attention to his eating habits and if he doesn’t eat for a whole day, then reach out your doctor immediately.

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1. You’re feeding them with the human food
If you’re making them eat the human food, then pay attention that the food shouldn’t contribute more than 20% of his overall diet. We often feed them with our leftovers. This makes them habitual of eating human food and their interest withdraws from their own food.

Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything2Image Source: services4pet

2. Human food can upset their stomach
Eating too much of human food can cause them bowel related problems. Too much spicy, sweet or dairy products can cause diarrhoea in animals. This is the reason why pets might not be eating.

Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything3Image Source: wikimedia

3. Check him for the dental problems
Problematic gums can be another reason why your pet has given up on eating. We often ignore this reason behind his lack of interest in food. Gum problems can make it difficult for them to chew their food. So you should get your pet checked timely for dental problems.

Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything4Image Source: proplanveterinarydiets

4. Change in routine can cause them stress
Even a slight change in their routine can cause loss of appetite in pets. So pay attention when you’re trying to bring some changes in his routine. Bring the changes gradually not immediately.

Why Your Pet Is Not Eating Anything5Image Source: proplanveterinarydiets

5. Growing age can be another reason
If your pet is old in age, then he can find it difficult to eat. They need proper medications at this time. You should seek some medical advice for your pet. Some changes are required to be brought in his diet.

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6. It might be a behavioural problem
If you’re having more than one pet, then this can be the reason why one of them has given up eating. This can be a behavioural problem. It is better that you pay attention on both of your babies equally.

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German shephard dog laying on the carpet in homeImage Source: akc

7. Stomach parasites can be another reason
Parasites in intestines can be another reason why pets give up eating. Prevent them from eating unhygienic food. Keep them away from unhygienic conditions as well. scold him whenever he eats dirt. Never ever make them eat the substandard quality food.

a labrador retriever puppy lying in front of a hole looking cheekyImage Source: thelabradorsite

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