Baking a cake is not always about ovens and a lot of mess, but there is a simple way that you can make a delicious mouthwatering cake at home. Including simple ingredients for the...
A finger-licking good chicken recipe is the ultimate appetizer for any house party or a small get-together, which is easy to cook and is not required in large quantity as well.
This delicious and juicy...
Omelette in a mug is a legendary recipe for that lazy and crazy morning after the rocking party mode of last night! Its great protein-packed quality makes it an amazing yet nutritious and healthy...
Are you a vegetarian and are bored of serving that same dal rice everyday? And don’t even want to taste Paneer for that change of taste? Well, don’t frighten, we have a spectacular dish...
Punjabi dishes have their own uniqueness and flavors, even though they keep it simple and a little less complicated than other regional dishes. Punjabi tadka adds up a tangy flavor in every dish we...
There is no end to the list of festivals that are celebrated in our nation, with complete joy and pomp for each festival. No matter which community or religion it belongs to, each festivity...
Paneer pulao is like the best vegetarian delight for the veggie lovers. Easy to cook and delectable in taste, this recipe can be prepared with most of the ingredients available in your kitchen at...
We can’t even imagine our world without having to eat mangoes in summers, and it feels like the luckiest day when we get to taste various mango delicacies on a single day.
Last time we...