CH Mini

A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.
1377 POSTS



6 Wardrobe Essentials That Every College Girl Must Own

Being in college is the most amazing feeling for a youth as they get a chance to explore the world and experience new things. Besides this, there is one more thing which excites people...

6 Best Ways to Use Honey for Oily Skin

Honey is considered an age-old remedy to treat various skin related problems as it contains all the required agents and nutrients that can help in improving the state of your skin. The antioxidants present...

6 Useful Apps That Every Girl Should Own

With the advancement of technology, a number of things have become easier for us. Like paying bills, booking cabs and even food delivery at the doorstep has become possible at just one tap on...

Dessert Special: Try This Simple Berry Cream Pie Recipe

Want to try something special and unique for dessert? Well, then we have a perfect recipe for you guys. Berry cream pie recipe is an easy dessert that you can make using simple ingredients....

7 Signs That You Are a Crazy Non-Veg Lover

Humans are omnivorous who can eat both meat and green. But, there are many people who only love eating greens and nothing apart from that which sometimes make every non-veg lover go crazy and...

7 Benefits of Consuming Watermelon During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is very important to maintain a healthy diet as not eating right can affect the development of your unborn baby. We all know this that going through the trimesters of pregnancy...

Bold and Beautiful: Simple Orange Eye Makeup Routine

Are you also tired with your usual makeup look, and want to try something unique and bold? Well, then we have something exciting for you guys. Today in this article, we are going to...

6 Cool Summer Hairstyles That You Can Try to Beat the Heat

Every girl wants to look fab throughout the year. But, as the summers arrive, it becomes almost impossible as most of us tend to tie our hair high to get away with the heat....

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