Shahi tukda recipe is a very popular and easy dessert dish, which is prepared with fried bread slices, milk and few spices. This recipe has various versions. But the recipe that we shared below...
Sago pudding recipe or Sabudana pudding recipe is a very simple and delicious dessert that one can easily prepare at home for the occasions like kitty party or any celebration. This recipe can be...
Want to eat something healthy and refreshing? Then, try this quick and simple strawberry, cucumber and honeydew salad recipe. It is not only healthy, but also delicious. So, try out this recipe and give...
Carrot and apple sandwich recipe is a very simple snack dish that you can prepare for your kids. This is an ideal recipe that you can prepare for picnic and outings. This sandwich tastes...
Cauliflower and mascarpone soup is a continental recipe that one can try during the winters. This soup recipe is low in calorie, healthy yet delicious. So, try this simple recipe at home and treat...
Most of the snacks recipes that you read, asks you to serve the dish with green chutney. But do you know how to make the chutney that will complement your snack? Well, today we...
Oats soup recipe is a very simple dish that you can prepare during this chilly winter season. This healthy recipe is prepared with oats, milk, onion, and few spices. So, try out this healthy...
The egg kebabs recipe is a very popular dish from Pakistan, which tastes awesome. This simple dish is prepared with gram flour, boiled eggs and with basic spices. You can prepare this dish on...