While being in a relationship is, a status symbol these days, there are the other types of people who are still single. Amongst them, some are single by choice, while the rest of them...
Ageing is not as bad as we think. Things get better as we age. People are oblivious to this fact, which makes them lose their mind when they realise that they are growing old....
Breakups are hard and can be very damaging for your overall personality and wellbeing. When you are going through a break up you think that there is no end to your pain and you...
Remember how, when you are in an early phase of a relationship you are on your best behaviour. But as time passes by and you start getting comfortable with each other things start to...
Trust is the foundation of any marriage. But what if one of the partners decides to go a bit off-track, it becomes really suffocating and tormenting for the rest of the family. Some lines...
Looks are important, but they are definitely not everything. Yes, boys are attracted to a girls’ looks when they meet for the first time. But it is also true that the physical appearance becomes...
You must have heard many romantic songs which sing all the glory to bestie’s love. But let me tell you, my friend, let those songs remain the songs only. If you’re thinking about dating...