beauty tips

7 Easy Homemade Face Packs with Banana for Brighter Skin

Eating banana can be really very beneficial for our overall health. But did you ever think that applying banana topically can be healthy for your skin? There’s lot more to the banana than just...

9 Tips to Keep Your Skin Flawless in this Festive Season

The festive season is on and the time has begun when we start ignoring our skin. We eat a lot of sweets, roam around without even washing our face and what not. All these...

5 Beauty Etiquette You Must Follow

It may sound a little weird but beauty etiquette does exist. Just the way there are table etiquette, work etiquette, etc. there are beauty etiquette as well. And if you want to look attractive...

4 Beauty Hacks You Can Do Using Mascara Wand

Do you know what a spoolie is? You must have noticed a black plastic brush with prickly bristles on the top. That’s called a Spoolie. We use them daily to apply mascara on our...

Do Not Try These 6 Beauty Hacks at Home!

We all love the beauty hacks and DIY treatments that are there on the internet. But how can we be so sure about its accountability? Whether it’s a scotch tape cat eye makeup trick...

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Rose Water for Beauty

Wondering why rose water is used so much in the beauty regime? What makes this elixir hold so much of importance in the skincare routine of every girl? It is a magical potion with...

5 Common Beauty Mistakes We Need To Stop Making ASAP

Getting perfect with makeup requires practise and a whole lot of patience. But sometimes even after that, you end up making some of the most common makeup mistakes, again and again. Below we have...

I think fitness is more important, Who decides what is desirable?: Vidya Balan

Going for an interview without makeup is an act of bravery for an actress. how often do you see any actress sans makeup in her movies or events? But the Dirty Picture actress won...

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