This is the season of enjoying that delicious juicy king of fruits, Mango! And if you didn’t reap all the benefits of this amazing fruit, then you sure did nothing at all.
From treating your...
Today, it’s common to see people using face wash and soaps for cleansing their face. But only fewer of them know that these face washes and soaps contain many harmful chemicals which can harm...
You wash your face every day with either a soap or a face wash. But have you ever thought that these soaps and face washes are loaded with harsh chemicals and preservatives? It doesn’t...
Fair complexion is just a dream for a lot of people and in order to fulfil this dream, they leave no stone unturned. They try everything available in the market, from fairness creams to...
Skin lightening or Skin whitening is something which is totally achievable, you must have come across a lot of material listing celebrities who have gone for Skin whitening treatments – people, this is totally...
So the summer is here. And it’s not only our face which bears the brunt of the harsh sunlight. Our feet are nowhere left behind. People usually don’t pay attention to the foot tanning...
Mother Nature has provided us with an amazing range of natural ingredients that we don’t really need anything else to maintain a healthy looking skin. But in today’s time people emphasize more on using...
Every girl faces this situation a lot of times in her life when the date of an important occasion or event clashes with the date of her periods while all we can do is...