Homemade Skin Whitening Remedies


Fair complexion is just a dream for a lot of people and in order to fulfil this dream, they leave no stone unturned. They try everything available in the market, from fairness creams to fairness masks. But instead of doing good for their skin they end up ruining it even more. The harmful chemicals present in these cosmetic products make their skin dull, damaged and lifeless. Along with all this, the physical and environmental factors make things worse for them.

The best alternative to these cosmetic skin whitening products are the homemade skin whitening remedies. These are very cost effective as compared to the expensive creams and lotions, plus they do not have any side effects. Read on to know about the best 4 homemade skin whitening remedies.

1. Oranges- Oranges belong to the citrus family and thus are rich in vitamin c and citric acid. When applied on the skin for a regular period of time oranges can reduce hyper pigmentation giving you a fairer and even skin tone. Daily consumption of orange juice can also help you with getting a clearer and improved complexion.

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  •  The first way to use oranges for skin whitening is by using the orange juice. For this remedy, you need 2 tbsp. orange juice and a pinch of turmeric. In a small bowl add the orange juice and the turmeric and mix really well. Apply this orange and turmeric mask on your face and neck and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Wash it off with plain water. You can also use this mask on your hands and feet as well.
  •  The second way of using orange for skin whitening is by using the peel of an orange. For this mask, you need 1 tbsp. of dried orange peel powder and 1 tbs. of plain yogurt. Mix the two ingredients well in a bowl and apply this face mask on your face and neck avoiding the eye area. Let the mask dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with plain water. Repeat this remedy, not more than two times a week.

2. Aloe Vera gel- If your skin is very sensitive then this is the remedy that you should go for. The aloe vera gel will get rid of the hyperpigmentation thus giving you a clearer and fairer complexion. The cooling effect of the aloe vera gel will also reduce any redness on your skin if any.

  •  For this remedy, it is perfect to use fresh aloe vera gel instead of the store bought ones, but you can use any.
  •  Take an aloe vera leaf and peel off the green layer on it to reveal the clear gel on the inside.
  •  Apply the gel directly onto your skin and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  •  After the time lapse wash your face with plain water and pat dry.
  •  You should repeat this remedy on a daily basis for at least a month in order to notice results.

3. Papaya- Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which promotes skin generation. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties which help in healing rosacea and acne. It also exfoliates the skin, lightens the skin tone and decreases hyperpigmentation. All these properties make papaya a perfect home remedy for skin whitening. There are several ways in which you can use papaya for skin whitening.

Also Read : 5 Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Skin Whitening

  •  You can eat papaya on a regular basis to cleanse your body and thus getting rid of all the impurities from your body.
  •  You can also use papaya peels to get fair complexion. All you need to do is rub the inner part of the papaya peel on you face and let it dry. Wash your face with plain water. Repeat this remedy daily.
  •  For this one, you need papaya pulp. Mash some ripe papaya in a bowl and add some lemon juice to it. Mix the two well. Now apply this mask on your face and neck. Leave on the mask for 30 minutes and then wash it off with plain water.

4. Turmeric- Turmeric is known to inhibit the excessive production of melanin and also reverse the effect of sun tan. Apart from this it also has antiseptic and antioxidant properties and is very good for your skin.

  •  Mix ½ tsp turmeric with 1 tbsp. milk cream in a small bowl to make a thick paste. Apply this face pack on your face and neck and leave it on to dry. Wash it off with warm water and pat dry. Repeat this remedy twice a week in order to get results. If you have oily skin, then this mask is not meant for you. Try the next mask instead.
  •  For this mask you need, 2 tsp. gram flour, ½ tsp. turmeric powder and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Combine all the ingredients to make a paste, apply this mask on your face and neck. Let the mask dry for 20-25 minutes and then scrub it off with damp hands. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Note- You have to follow these remedies consistently in order to get results.

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