10 Things to Know before Losing Your Virginity


If you are in a relationship, then being intimate and having sex with your partner is natural. We all want our first time to be perfect and it is pretty normal to feel excited and anxious on that day.  But a number girls feel shy and confused before doing it for the first time. They remain conscious about losing their virginity and assume it as a nerve-wrecking experience. But don’t worry, we are here to educate you about all the precaution that needs to be taken care of before that big day to make it more enjoyable and save you from further embarrassment. And what is more important is you need to listen to your own instincts as well and act responsibly if you want to avoid any consequences and regrets.

1. You may get pregnant even the first time

Some people have this myth that you can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex which is completely wrong. The chances of getting pregnant the first time you have sex are just as much as any other time. So make sure to use some sort of contraceptive to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

safe sexImage Source:https://www.puhia.com/

2. It might hurt, but it won’t be painful

This question is on the mind of almost every girl before getting deflowered that “Is it gonna hurt?” Well, it may vary from person to person. Some girls don’t feel anything at all, some might feel a little discomfort while for some it might get a little too much to handle. The discomfort that the girls experience might be because either there isn’t enough lubrication or the vagina is too tight or your partner is putting too much pressure.

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3. There is no such thing as the right age to lose virginity

It is your body, your virginity and it is totally up to you that when would you like to lose it (and also to whom). Whenever you are ready, is the right age to do it. There are no hard and fast rules to define the right age.

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4. You may or may not bleed

As the popular belief goes that the first time you have sex, you will bleed if your hymen is intact, which is not true. The bleeding has nothing to do with the hymen getting ripped. In fact the bleeding often occurs due to the poorly lubricate vagina or rough sex. It does not define your virginity.

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5. Do it when you feel like doing it

Don’t do it because all your friends have done it and they tease you for being a chicken. Having sex under any sort of peer pressure is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. Do it only when you are mentally and physically prepared to take the plunge.

6. Be vocal about your needs

When doing it for the first time there ought to be some awkwardness or there might be things that you are not comfortable doing; speak up. Communicate to your partner about the do’s and don’ts for the first time.

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7. You may not orgasm the first time you have sex

Your experienced friends must have shared their bedroom stories with you and how great it was and how many orgasm they had. Wait! Orgasm? What the hell is that? Orgasm is the highest point of pleasure or climax that you experience while having sex. Orgasm feels different to different people and it is not necessary that you will be lucky enough to experience it the first time you get laid. So be patient and keep trying.

8. Don’t expect too much

Blame it on those stupid movies that we all have really high expectations for our first time. But having hopes that are too high will disappoint you even more. You will have awkward moments and things won’t be perfect, but that’s absolutely normal.

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9. Your first time might not be that great

There are 99% chances that you will end up feeling not so great after your first time because of two reasons, one the pain and second if both of you are virgins. But don’t be disappointed, over time you will become more experienced and also get to know each other’s preferences.

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10. It will be awkward

No matter how much you are in love with your partner, being completely naked in front of them and getting intimate to them at this level is going to be awkward at first. But little arrangements like turning off the lights or leaving your shirt on during the activity might just save you from that awkwardness.

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