3 Ways In Which More And More Masturbation Improves Sexual Life Of Women Surprisingly


As the International masturbation month May nears its end, we thought to give you a recap why masturbation is actually good for the health of ladies contrary to the belief that it results in issues like infertility and malnutrition etc.

Historically it is believed that men indulge in self-pleasure more than women, but the facts are changing with the time. With the prevalence of openness and overcoming taboos in society and availability of illicit material on the internet, now the number of women masturbating also seems increasing day by day.

Various studies have been conducted on the women masturbation in the last few fiscal and some of them have made very shocking disclosures. Due to social constraints, most ladies do not open up about self-pleasing, but in the isolation they do it, studies have come up with the evidence.

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Let us limit our discussion to why women should shun the belief that self-pleasing has only negative effects on the body. Unless done excessively, medicos consider masturbation a normal, healthy and a strong practice.

1. Self-pleasing relieves your stress

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Masturbation results in releasing of hormones endorphin, dopamine and oxytocin that make ladies happy. Dr. Lauren Streicher teaches Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Northwestern University. She says that masturbation is like giving a massage to the body which relaxes it both mentally and physically.

“Instead of buying an expensive massage, you can just stay in and give yourself one,” she said. Streicher says that self-pleasing boosts mood and creates a natural high, the effects which are otherwise created by some powerful drugs.

2. It is good for your overall health

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Some of your friends or relatives may have advised you against masturbation because they think it is not good for sex life, but the medical science says it actually improves sex life unless not done in excess. Sexologists say that masturbating ladies get an idea about sex life before going for practical apart from physical and psychological benefits. “You’ll know exactly what makes you orgasm, and how long it takes to climax,” says Dr. Emily Morse, sexologist and host of Sex with Emily. Now a days most counsellors are advising their patients to go for it, a news report claimed recently in reference of a study.

3. It prevents post-menopausal symptoms, vaginal narrowness and dryness

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Most ladies avoid sexual intercourse after menopause because of the pain, vaginal dryness and narrowness. Though their sex drive remains almost same. A USA based Gynaecologist Judi Chervenak says that wet masturbation can prevent these post-menopausal changes in the reproductive tract of the women there by increasing blood flow and moisture level which stimulates sexual drive.

Now it is upon you to decide whether you want to have a good sex life or not. Do it, but not excessively. Excessive masturbation may destroy your sex life.

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