5 Bizarre Uses of Sugar (Except Eating) Will Amaze You!


When it comes to health, we always see sugar as a villain. But we can overlook some of the benefits of sugar. Sugar is not used solely as a sweetening agent, but it also has several other benefits as well. I bet you’ll be shocked to know about them. You must have heard it somewhere, if you apply sugar on burns, it won’t leave any scar behind. Similarly, sugar has many such benefits which you might not be knowing. Come let’s know about some unheard benefits of sugar.

Bizarre Uses Of Sugar1Image Source: deshebideshe

1. If you apply sugar on the top coat of your lipstick, it will make it stay longer. Yes, when you apply lipstick, sprinkle some sugar on your lips. Let it stay for a minute, after which either eat it off or wipe it off using a tissue. This will make your lipstick stay for longer than before.

Bizarre Uses Of Sugar2Image Source: jovenesnews

2. You can make a homemade scrub with sugar. Just take 1 tbsp. of sugar and 2 tsp of olive oil. Rub this mixture on your skin with gentle circular motions. Wash it afterwards.

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3. Sugar can also be used to get rid of insects and ants from the house. All you need to do is make a mixture of sugar in water and boil it. Transfer this solution to a jar and keep the jar near your window. Insects and ants will come to this solution and drawn to their death.

Bizarre Uses Of Sugar4Image Source: haberturk

4. You can keep your baked items fresh for a long time. Just keep a sugar cube in the jar which stores your bakery items. This will keep them fresh for longer time.
5. You can vanish the stubborn stains from your clothes by soaking your clothes in sugar solution. Or you can just spray some sugar solution on the stains and leave it for few minutes. Wash it afterward with water. Stains will go away completely.

Bizarre Uses Of Sugar5Image Source: sarangberita

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