5 Odd Reasons That You Are Hungry All The Time


Are you hungry all the time? Doesn’t your hunger subside even after eating? Well, you are not alone in this as this is a very common problem. But the underlying reasons for the same are not very common. Below we have mentioned 5 odd reasons which might be making you feel hungry way too often.

Also Read: 7 Healthy Ways To Deal With Hunger Cravings

1. You are thirsty- This is the most common one. Most of the times what you perceive as hunger is actually thirst. This confusion often happens the hypothalamus in your brain is responsible for the signalling of both thirst and water. But a lot of time in confusion it signals thirst as hunger and you end up eating something, while your body was in need of fluids. So if you are feeling those hunger pangs at odd times or soon after having a meal then try to subside it by drinking fluids.

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2. Eating refined carbs- If each meal you eat comprises of refined food items and simple carbs such as packed sugary cereal, white pasta or rice, pizza, cookie, etc. then you are ought to feel hungry. If you are eating every meal without skipping any still you will feel hungry often. This is because you are not giving your body the fibre it needs to fill up the stomach or the complex carbs that provide it with the energy to function. The refined food gets burned easily spiking the blood sugar level and then causing it to crash. The low glucose level then triggers the hunger hormones making you feel hungry very soon.

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Also Read: Healthy Eating Habits To Incorporate Into Your Life

3. You don’t eat enough at mealtime- If you are having a balanced meal comprising of protein, fibre and fat, and you are still feeling hungry then this might be happening because you are not eating enough. Try eating sufficient amount of food during the mealtime. Fill up your plate and finish all that you get. Avoid fatty and fried food as much as possible.

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4. Your metabolism is very fast- We all have that one friend who eats all type of junk and still won’t put on any weight. this is because they have a very fast metabolism. This the reason that they feel hungry more often. If you are also one of those people who can eat whatever they want and still don’t put on weight, then it is your metabolism which is making you hungry more often.

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5. Your activity level is very high- The amount of food a person needs vary from person to person depending on various factors one of them being the level of daily activities. For example, if you exercise a lot then your calorie intake need to be adjusted accordingly. So if you have started working out recently and your hunger rate has spiked up suddenly then that’s because of all the energy and calories you are losing through your exercising. And at the end of it if you can maintain your weight as you wanted, then those extra calories were actually needed by you.

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Also Read: 7 Hot ‘n’ Healthy Breakfast For The Foodies

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