6 Reasons You Should Admire Your Mom For!


Mother– our first friend, our first love, our only mentor or say our sole real friend. It is true that god couldn’t be everywhere, so he made moms. They always support you. No matter how many times you fail, it’s the mother who has the faith in you. She will stand by you in your thick and thins. She will guide you to the right path. Although there are many, but there are few 6 reasons you should undeniably adore your mother for.

1. She endured so much of pain for you
Can you imagine carrying a 3 kg flower pot in your belly and walking around for 9 months? Can you sleep with it, walk with it and do your daily businesses with it? I’m expecting a no! Can you imagine how much your mother had been through so that you can see the world?

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2. She shares her everything
How on earth can someone be so selfless? She never thinks even once about her own hunger when you’re sitting hungry in front of her. She is ready to share every piece of her meal no matter how much she herself love the dish. Not only food, she is ready to share everything with you. If you’re a daughter, you can relate to it even better.
3. She understands you more than anyone else in the world
What’s the better definition of companionship than this? She will be there for you selflessly. She will understand you no matter how a freak you are. She will try to do anything that she can to make you happy.

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4. She’ll never spare the people who hurt you
You must be having those friends whom your mother secretly hates. If your friend once made you cry, she can never be affirmative of her. She can do anything to protect you from those who’re trying to hurt you.

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5. She is the Master Chef
Yes, she is, indeed! They make the most delicious food in the world. You know why? Because the only thought in their mind while preparing the food is that you should love what she made for you. She wants you to eat till you’re full. She’s ready to do any experiment in the kitchen to make you eat more.

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6. She’s always up for making sacrifices for you
And she won’t say a word to you. She won’t let you know what she’s been sacrificing for you. She can go to extreme lengths to make your dreams come true.
Who does need anybody else, when a woman called mother is there to complete your own little world!

mother specialty5Image Source: blogspot

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