6 Side Effects of Fairness Creams You Should Know


Unfortunately, ours is the country where people are obsessed with fairness. And people will not stop using such products until and unless there is some change in the ideology of relating beauty with fairness. Where no one seems to be acknowledging the sun-kissed skin they are blessed with, the market is being flooded with the avalanche of fairness creams which claim to whiten the skin instantly (that’s what they claim!). The other mindful section of the society which includes our beauty experts are trying to educate people about the definition of true beauty and perfect skin. But it seems that it’s not going to be easy to convince the fairness freak to accept the simple reality. Only if people knew the harmful effects those fairness creams are bringing to their skin, they’ll stop using these ugly beauty products. The harmful effects are diverse ranging from mild irritation to severe skin cancer. Some of the side effects will be visible as soon as you apply the product, however, the long term effects will only show up a long time after use.

1. Itching: Itching is one of the most common side effects which people have reported after using fairness creams. This occurs immediately after you apply the fairness creams. If your fairness cream is causing you itching, wash your face with cold water.

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2. Allergy: There are chances that one or more than one ingredients of the fairness cream might trigger off allergic reactions on your skin. This can cause skin irritations, redness, itching and if worsened, it can cause oedema. If you’re allergic to any particular ingredient, check the ingredient list before applying the product on your skin.

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3. Skin cancer: continuous use of fairness creams is one of the major reasons for skin cancer. If you’re into using fairness creams, make sure to use a high-quality one. Some ingredients of the fairness creams can be carcinogenic. Creams which contain hydroquinone, mercury or steroid based skin whiteners should be kept at bay at any cost.

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4. Dry skin: If you already have a dry skin, then using fairness cream can cause extreme dryness on your skin. You will end up getting the dry and flaky skin. Before purchasing any product, just think once or twice about the type of skin you have and the type of skin the cream is suitable for.

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5. Pimples: If you use the creams which clog the pores or trigger the sebum production of your skin, then there are heavy chances of you getting pimples. This is one of the most bothersome side effects of the fairness creams. Even if the pimples are healed, the marks will be left behind.

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6. Photo-sensitivity: Prolonged usage of fairness creams can cause your skin to thin out and become prone to damage caused by light. This condition is known as Photosensitivity. This can cause severe sunburns, blisters and pigmentation. Overdoing anything will not bring you quick results, but will cause harm to your skin. It is always advised to take a patch test before applying the product on your face.

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If you still long for a fairer complexion, go for natural remedies which is a much safer and sure shot way to address skin issues. Remember, the best way to look and feel beautiful is to accept the way god has made you. You’re beautiful just the way you are!

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