6 Things About Women Men Can Never Understand


It doesn’t matter if you are a man with the average IQ of 95 to 105 or a supreme IQ just like Stephen Hawkins or Albert Einstein, there is absolutely no way you can understand few things that women do. No matter how much you try to figure out things, you can never find the answer to some of the most difficult questions. Well don’t worry, we explain you why women do these things. Read on and enlighten yourself.

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1. Why do women say something and they mean something else?
Now this question has been doing the rounds of the brain of every man for ages. According to men every woman is guilty of doing this and to some extent maybe they are right. But there is a reason behind the same. Women are born with special abilities and they can always understand the hidden meanings, sarcasm and taunts in the things you say and thus they expect the same from men as well.

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2. How can women multitask so efficiently?
Well, no lame explanations here as this one is scientifically proven, that women are better at multitasking when compared to men. According to this theory, women are better when it comes to thinking, defining and arranging things under pressure women excel. On the other hand, men are way too impulsive and thus cannot do multitasking that well.

About Women Men Can Never Understand2Image Source: huffpost

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3. How is it possible for women to sleep in the most awkward positions?
Cuddling and women can never go separate ways. Most women like to cuddle and sleep with their legs and hands entwined in the most uncomfortable ways which might make them fall asleep. But with all the cuddling they forget that they are cuddling to a real human who is just not that comfortable with all that. In fact, he is getting quite uncomfortable and sleepless.

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4. Why do women ask so much about their partner’s exes?
This one really pisses men. Once your man has told you about his past relationship/relationships, why do women have to bring the topic out every now and then. Why is it so important for them to know about even the tiniest bit of detail regarding a relationship that is a thing of the past? Shouldn’t you concentrate more about what you have at present. You see talking about exes is like walking on a minefield which is going to blast and someone is sure to get hurt. Most women do this to show their superiority over your ex and nothing else.

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5. How can women remember even the tiniest of details?
I mean this cannot be possible for men even if they note down everything or set a reminder for the same. There is absolutely no way men can remember such details. Then how do women do it? Well, women just function that way. It is their emotions that help them to remember these tiny little details for longer. For women when a certain emotion is attached to a certain memory, each time a similar emotion gushes the memory comes back.

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6. Why women never have anything to wear?
Most women’s closets will put men’s closets at shame but still every time it is women who do not have anything to wear. This might happen due to several reasons such as the clothes that they bought a month back are out of style now, or they think that they look fat or ugly in a particular style of clothes or maybe they have worn certain clothes more than 5 times and now it will get too repetitive. Hence women never have anything to wear.

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