9 Perfume Hacks You Need In Your Life Right Now


Does your perfume fade away just after few hours of the application? If your answer is a yes and you are looking for ways to make it last longer, then you are at the right place. In this post, we are going to share with you some of the perfume hacks you need to try right now.

Also Read: 6 Tips for Making Perfume Last Longer on Your Skin

1. The longevity of the perfume depends on how you store it. So, if you want to maintain the long lastingness of your expensive perfumes you need to store them in the correct place. Keep the perfume bottles away from direct sunlight or heat as this could hamper the quality of the perfume. You can keep the bottles in a dry, dark and cool place to maintain the quality of the perfume.

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2. To make the perfume last longer you need to apply it at a suitable time. The best time to apply your perfume is right after you’ve taken a shower. Post shower your body is damp which helps in the better absorption of perfume and makes it last longer.

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Also Read: Few Desirable Secrets of MenÂ’s Perfumes

3. Another method to smell great for a longer period is to apply your perfume on your hair as well. But if you are using an alcohol based perfume then do not put it on your hair directly. Instead, spritz it on your hair brush and then comb through the hair.

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4. Before putting on your perfume, apply a layer of Vaseline or unscented body lotion on your skin. This will moisturize the skin and will provide a base to the perfume to cling onto it.

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Also Read: My Selection of Top 6 Classic Fragrances!!

5. Most of the people have this habit of rubbing their wrists post the perfume application. The sad part is that it is not doing any good to you. In fact, it breaks down all the notes of the perfume way too fast making the fragrance fade away very easily.

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6. To make the perfume last longer apply the perfume on all the right spots such as your neck, wrist, inside of your elbows and behind your knees and ears.

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7. If just as your makeup you like to touch up your fragrance too through the day, then you can transfer the perfume in small perfume vials which you can easily get in the market or over the internet. There is no need to carry the full-size bottle.

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Also Read: Feeling Low? 7 Hacks to Feel Confident in No Time!

8. When your perfume starts to run out, it can get really difficult to use those last drops. The best way to utilize those last drops is to transfer them to a body lotion and then use it to smell your lingering self.

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9. The most important thing that you can do to make the perfume last longer is by using a fragrance which has more long-lasting fragrance notes such as musk, vanilla, etc.

perfume-hacks9Image Source: organicauthority

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