CH Mini

A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.
1377 POSTS



7 Things You Never Clean at Home but You Should

People nowadays are very concerned about their health and fitness. And keeping your surroundings clean and hygienic is important part of a healthy lifestyle that keeps infections and diseases at bay. But, even after...

8 Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying A Sunscreen

Going to the beach party or heading out for a lunch? Well, there is one thing which you must not forget to carry with you i.e. a sunscreen lotion. It is basically a beauty...

5 Amazing Tips to Get A Flawless Skin Instantly

Radiant skin is something every woman desires to have. But, not every woman is blessed with a naturally glowing skin. Well, you don't need to lose hope as you can get a perfect skin...

Top 6 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy During Monsoon

We all love the monsoon season, don't we? But, there are a number of things that you need to pay attention to while enjoying the rains. And one of these things is taking care...

Truth Potato Is Here to Give You a Dose of Reality Check!

It is very well said that ‘Wisdom is found only in truth’. And today, we have found the Truth Potato, which is all set to give us a reality check. These adorable small sketches...

5 Food Combos That Can Help You Lose Weight

Flat belly and toned body is the desire of every person but, there are very few people who are able to achieve this dream. But, you don't need to worry as you can achieve...

Try This Simple Cheesy French Fries Recipe at Home

We all love french fries, don't we? But, what's the fun of eating them in the old and usual way? So, to add some flavor to your regular fries, we thought of sharing a...

5 Signs That Your Partner Is Self-Centered

Have you noticed a weird behavior in your partner where he only focuses on him and his needs? Well, then it's not an easy task to be in a relationship with that kind of...

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