Avoid Doing These 6 Mistakes While Taking A Shower


Taking a shower at the end of the day is your ultimate relaxing therapy! There is nothing more relaxing and no better way to unwind than to take a nice shower in this hot weather. But did you know, that there are certain showering mistakes that you have been making until now and are completely unaware of them?

Yes, even bathing or showering has some important rules that need to be followed, if you do not wish to harm your beauty. We always talk about the good and the benefits that you get from taking a shower. But today, we are about to discuss some harm that showering mistakes cause to your skin and hair.

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In this article, the enlisted 6 mistakes will help you understand how showering is actually harming you more than it is causing you good.

1. Choosing Between Hot Or Cold Shower

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Because the weather is hot nowadays, it is recommended that you take a cold shower, and avoid hot or lukewarm showers. Cold showers will keep your pores closed on your skin, thus preventing from developing any skin problem.

2. Frequently Switching Your Shampoos

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The worst thing you are doing to your hair while taking shower is switching your shampoo frequently. Seasonal change is acceptable, but using harsh shampoos and conditioners and changing them within a month or two is harmful to your hair. Instead, use mild shampoo & conditioner to protect your hair.

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3. Using Too Much Of Shower Gel

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Too much lather from your shower gel or body wash should be avoided in the shower. The excess use of lather, rips off the essential and natural oils from your skin, leaving it dry and itchy. This might even cause you eczema, a serious skin disease.

4. Leaving Those Soap Patches Unwashed

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You must be thinking that what could that tiny frothy soap patch does to harm your skin? Well, we would like to say, a lot. Avoid doing this at all costs, as the soap should be washed with water instead of just wiping away with the towel. It causes skin irritation otherwise.

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5. Rubbing Your Skin With A Towel

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You must always pat dry your skin after the shower, otherwise harshly drying your body might cause those tiny hair to break and makes the skin itchy and irritating. Also, never wrap your hair in the towel for too long, else they will break and increase hair fall might be at risk.

6. Taking Too Long Showers

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Long showers make your skin dry and rip off the essential oils and nutrients from both skin and hair. it might also cause you rashes and itchy skin, that’s why it is suggested that you spend no more than 10 minutes in the shower.

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It is better that you start avoiding doing these mistakes and make your showering a healthy routine. After all, this is the most important part of your beauty regime that decides the course of your skin & hair’s health.

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