Beware: Never Date These 5 Type Of People


Relationships are serious matters. You may not realize it at first but a wrong relationship can leave an eternal scar on your memory and can turn your life upside down. The worse part about relationships is that there is a possibility that you may end up choosing a partner who is not suitable for you. But the good part is that you can rectify your mistake by getting rid of that person at an early stage of your relationship. And it is always better to steer clear of a certain type of people, especially the types we have mentioned below.

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1. The stalker- Yes, the stalker. The only difference here is that you are in the relationship with them. But if you observe closely your stalker partner is no less than an actual stalker. He/she keeps an eye on all your deeds and actions. They want to know your whereabouts at all the time. They check your last seen WhatsApp, they check you Facebook profile updates to know what you are up to and in worst cases they even used location tracking apps to know where you are going. These are the signs that you should not avoid. In beginning this might not bother you a lot but in the long run, you will get pissed off too and may even start getting nasty as well.

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Never Date These Type Of People1Image Source: itipy

2. The never happy ones- These creatures are such that they can never be happy or stay satisfied with what they have in life. They will constantly blame their life for being so unfair, how they have never had friends who support them, that no understands them and they are all alone in this world. The list for them never really ends. Now in order to date a person like that you need patience level as high as the sky and ears made of metal. If you are not equipped with these then you should at all costs should avoid dating a person like this.

Never Date These Type Of People2Image Source: everydayfeminism

Also Read: 7 Rules to Follow in a Relationship

3. The “money does matter” type- When it comes to a relationship money is something that is not a matter of concern. Who paid where, who paid how much, I got the concert tickets, you paid for the dinner last two times, etc. These are not the talks that you should bring up when in a relationship. There is no need to keep a record that who spent how much. Both the partners may take random turns to pay for their expenses. So if your partner is too fussy about the bills and money, it is better to let go off them soon.

Never Date These Type Of People3Image Source: co

4. No ambitions- It is very important for the individual growth of a person both personally and professionally to have some ambition in life. But that doesn’t mean you have to be all about your ambition and not caring enough for the people around you. People who lack ambition in life are not getting anywhere because they lack determination. Chances are that they are not going to give their 100% to their relationship as well.

Never Date These Type Of People4Image Source: co

5. Just after sex- No denying that sex or physical intimacy is an inevitable part of a romantic relationship. But you can easily tell If the other person is just interested in sex or is he/she actually loves you. There are certain signs that can easily tell you the real intentions of your partner. Observe if your partner is always trying to get you in the bed, or all they have to talk about is sex, do they always vanish during the times when you need them emotionally? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then you must dump this person as soon as possible.

Never Date These Type Of People5Image Source: aftonbladet-cdn

Also Read: 9 Signs That He’s Dating You Only for Sex!

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