LIFE HACK: 8 Essential Oils That Will Help To Boost Your Libido


Since ancient times, essential oils have been used to arouse the sensuous feelings in a person. It is the aroma of the oils that stimulate the sexual desires.

In this post, we have shared some essential oils that boost the sex drive.

1. Jasmine oil

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Jasmine-oilImage Source: zsalon

It is also known as aphrodisiac oil as it has a powerful effect on the human senses. From a very long period, it is used in the art of seduction as it is rich helps to boosts your confidence raises your sexual awareness to next level.

2. Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood-oil1Image Source: thedollarbusiness

The sweet aroma of the oil has both meditative and sensual properties. It can also be used with other oils like rose, lavender etc. It is believed that this oil elevates the physical intimacy to a whole new level and results in the highest form of union.

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3. Clary Sage oil

Image Source: blogspot

This oil is very different from the rest because of its long lasting nutty aroma. It is relaxing, sensual and makes you feel excited.

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4. Clove Bud oil

Clove-Bud-oilImage Source: ytimg

Clove Bud oil is best if you want to get rid of depression. It acts as a stimulant which makes you passionate and lets you enjoy like never before.

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5. Ylang Ylang oil

Ylang-Ylang-oil1Image Source: shopify

This oil has similar properties like jasmine oil. The floral fragrance of this oil makes you joyful. It is also said that this oil has the ability to increase the attraction between the partners.

6. Rose oil

rose-oilImage Source: co

It is said that this essential oil has the ability to soothe the senses by decreasing the uneasiness connected to sex. This oil acts through the heart chakra which helps to unify the physical and spiritual love.

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7. Cumin oil

Cumin-oilImage Source: organicfacts

It is not famous like other oils yet it has some great advantages for both men and women. It is said that it improves women fertility and it brings out the intense feeling of men.

8. Patchouli oil

Patchouli-oilImage Source: wp

This essential oil has a musky and spicy fragrance. This oil can be mixed with lavender and clary sage oil. It is said that the aroma of this oil relieves depression and stress and naturally lifts your mood.


CH Mini
CH Mini
A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.

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