How To Become A Blessed Working Mom


Gone are the days when women only used to stay indoors and spend all their time taking care of the family and children. Today’s woman can multitask and easily take care of her home along with her job. But this multitasking may get a little tedious if you are a working mom and we know very well that being a mother is a job in itself. Working moms try their best to manage their jobs and the motherhood, but it is difficult to excel if you are into two full-time jobs.

In order to make your life a little better, we have come up with some crucial parenting tips which can actually help you to deal with your working mommy life crisis much more easily.

1. Set your priorities- If you want to become a successful mother along with a successful businesswoman then you have set your priorities straight. Being a mother it is very obvious that your first priority would be your child. But then you have to learn to segregate his needs into different categories depending on the urgency of their fulfilment. Doing so will help you with your time and task management.

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2. Strike a balance- If you are a working woman then there are probably two reasons behind it, either your financial state is making you do so or you love your work. In either of the cases, you need to figure it out if you really can take the responsibility of a child along with your job. Talk to your partner and ask him if he is ready to take up this responsibility and then only take it forward.

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3. Choose a suitable job- What if your boss allows you to leave a few hours early every day or let you work from home, that too at your own convenience? Sounds great, isn’t it? It is very difficult to find a workplace like this, but you can talk to your boss and try to convince him for the same. Plus, there are so many jobs where you can work from home and at your convenience, so look out for such jobs. This will make your life much easier.

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4. Planning- Whether you at your office or at home, planning is very important. Proper planning will ensure that you don’t get stuck at a dead end where it gets really difficult for you to choose between your job and your child. So make sure to plan your tasks well.

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5. Say yes to help- Every woman is a superwoman, but you don’t necessarily have to prove it all the time. So the next time a friend or relative or your husband lends you a helping hand, just take it. A little help with your household chores can give you some extra time to relax and that is what you need the most.

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6. Have fun on weekends- For the whole week you hardly get any time to spend with your child and that is why your weekends should be devoted entirely to your child and nothing else.

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7. Take help from technology- Todays modern technology has made our life so much easier. Try to utilize it in whatever way you can. There are so many apps and gadgets available in the market that can help you get your tasks done faster and more efficiently. Use them as much as possible so that you could get to spend enough time with your child.

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8. Spend quality time with your child everyday It is the duty of every parent to their child feel special and for that you need to spend some quality time with them on a daily basis. Talk to your child. Ask about his day, what he did the whole day, what all happened at school, about his friends, etc.

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