7 Signs Your ‘Best Friend’ Is A Toxic Person


A ‘Best friend’ is someone whom you share your problems and trust them blindly. You enjoy everything with them and share all joyful and happy moments together. But sometimes your best friend ditches you and starts bitching about you with someone else. Who needs a friend like this?

In this article, we are going to discuss few signs that show that your best friend is toxic or lethal for you.

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Check out the signs here:

1- If they judge you financially

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A best friend is someone who supports you in every situation. No matter how complicates the situation is, you feel comfortable to share your problem with them. But when your friend starts judges you based on your finance and social condition and shows you that he/she earn more than you, it’s signed that your best friend is actually a toxic or lethal person.

2- They make fun of you

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It’s very common when your friend makes fun of you or pull your leg. But when they start bullying you in front of others it’s not a good sign. Just take your leg back and notice this sign that he/she is no longer your best friend.

3- When they start controlling your decisions

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When-they-start-controlling-your-decisionsImage Source: qualitypsychic

When your friend starts controlling your life and starts telling you to whom you friend with and start dominating you, it is not a sign of a good friend or a best friend. It’s better to you to make a distance from them.

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4- Loyalty Issues

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A best friend is someone whom you can trust blindly and tell everything related to you. But when they start bitching about you and start telling others about your personal life. This is a sign that he/she is not your best friend.

5- Tries to put you down all the time

Tries-to-put-you-down-all-the-timeImage Source: whstatic

When your friend starts abusing you in front of others and start making fun on your choice and try to put you down all the time with someone else, it’s a sign that he/she is a fake person and it’s better to you to make a distance from them.

6- Uses you

Uses-youImage Source: blogspot

A true friend is someone who helps you in every condition. But when your friend calls you only when he/she needs you and when you need them they ditch you, this is a sign of that he/she is not your true friend at all.

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7- Not feeling sorry

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Although it’s normal that we do not say sorry and thank you for friendship. But sometimes it’s a way to show your friend that he/she important to you and sometimes it’s healthy to accept your mistakes and say sorry to your friend. But when your friend is not sorry for her/his mistakes that show that you don’t matter to them.

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