The Swastika symbols hold a great significance not only in Hinduism but, in other religions too across the globe. The word Swastika was derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Svastika’ which means well-being. It is also known by different names in different countries like Fylfot in England, Wan in China and Manji in Japan. So, to know more about the significance of Swastika, we have shared some facts that you should know.
1. Types of Swastika
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There are two types of Swastikas, one drawn in a clockwise direction and the other drawn in an anti-clockwise direction. The symbol drawn in the clockwise direction is considered auspicious and brings good luck. And it is known as Swastika while the anti-clockwise one is known as Sauvastika. It is believed that the four arms of the symbol refer the four Vedas and for this reason, it is also marked on all the holy offerings and sacred items. Apart from that, this symbol also brings in prosperity. And for this reason, the financial books are marked with this symbol.
2. It symbolizes the four stages
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According to Hinduism, there are four stages in a person’s life. The student life or The Brahmacharya, the householder’s life or Grihastha, the life retirement or Vanaprastha, and the last one Sanyas or life of a hermit. After all this, the man dies and take birth again to enter the same cycle which is resembled by the Swastika.
3. According to Buddhism
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In Buddhism, the Swastika symbolizes the footprints of Lord Buddha, and it is also related to the eternal cycle of spirituality. It is quite similar to the Dhamma Wheel.
4. Represents directions
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In Hinduism, the four Vedas represents four directions, and these directions are represented by the swastika. According to a belief, when the big bang took place, the sun spread its energy in the shape of a swastika. And it is even believed that this symbol also symbolizes the wheel of motion and cycle of time. Sometimes it is even referred to as the cycle of Karma.
5. According to Jainism
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According to Jain beliefs, the swastika symbol represents the seventh among the 24 Teerthankaras and is also referred as one of the auspicious signs as per the Shwetambar tradition of Jainism. One of the Jainism beliefs also states that the four arms of Swastika represent hell, heaven, humanity, and flora, and fauna.
So, these were the spiritual significances of Swastika symbol.