Stay Organized: 6 Smart Ways to Organize Your Fridge


There are several videos available online to explain to you how to keep your fridge organized. Still, there are many of us who are not able to achieve this goal. But, don’t worry as you can still maintain an organized and clean fridge by using some ways that we are going to explain in this article. The tips explained in this article are perfect for the Indian households. So, here are the few ways to organize your fridge smartly.

1. Use airtight plastic bags

Use airtight plastic bagsImage Source: ziploc

There are many people who store dry lentils and dry coconut in the fridge to increase their shelf life. But, storing these items in an airtight plastic bags will save a lot of space. So, try to store items in an airtight bags and use them as and when required.

Tip: If you are planning to make chutney. Then, you can store all the ingredients required for chutney in one bag as it saves both your effort and time.

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2. Store chillies and lemons in tray basket

Store chillies and lemon in tray basketImage Source: maids

There are many of us who wrap chilies and lemons in a plastic bag and then, stuff them in the vegetable basket. As these are the most used ingredient in cooking so, quick access to them is very important. And for this reason, it becomes necessary to store lemons and chillis in tray basket.

3. Place those foods on back that needs more cooling

Place those foods on back that need more coolingImage Source: gorenje

Well, to maintain a clean and organized fridge it is very important that you have the clear idea about the functionality. Every shelf of the fridge has air dispensers that help in maintaining the temperature and are coldest at the back. So, it is advised that one should place those foods at the back that require more cooling and rest of the food towards the edge of the shelf.

4. Try to use cling sheets to cover

Try to use cling sheets to coverImage Source: wikimedia

There are many people who have a habit of covering containers with a plate. But, most of the time they miss out that these plates and over-sized lids consume a lot of the space in the fridge. So, it is suggested that you can use cling sheets to cover your containers as they will consume more space and will also keep your fridge organized.

5. Organize jars using trays

Organize jars using traysImage Source: ssl-images-amazon

To make your fridge look more organized place the jars and glasses in line over a tray. This simple tip will make things easier for you and it also reduce the chances of containers falling over each other. So, try out this tip and keep your fridge organized.

6. Use shelf liners

Use shelflinersImage Source: myfrugalhome

There are many people who place mats in the fridge to avoid shelves from getting dirty. Still, the back and the edges of the shelf get solied and require a deep cleaning. So, to aoid this it is suggested that you use shelf liners that will help to keep your shelf clean.

So, these were the few ways to keep your fridge organized.

CH Mini
CH Mini
A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.

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