Wine!! The Healthy Alcohol!!


Can you believe that despite all the ill-effects of drinking, some forms of alcohol are really healthy? Yes, that’s right!! Wine, being an alcoholic drink is a healthy drink. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should all indulge into drinking habit. Extreme of anything is bad guys! A recent study by health experts has confirmed that drinking wine occasionally keeps the heart healthy and soothes your nerves. A glass of red wine helps to control the sugar level in the body. Amazing, isn’t it? All the above mentioned health facts are considered only with small consumptions of wine. Some healthy aspects of drinking wine:

  1. Good for the heart: Both red wine and white wine increase the content of good cholesterol in the body. This good cholesterol keeps the heart healthy.
  2. Improved hormone function: Wine is a very powerful antioxidant. Thus, it enhances the immune system and makes the hormones function properly. It also helps to control the sugar level in blood.
  3. Anti ageing: Wine contains antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. This delays ageing factors like wrinkles and memory loss. An occasional glass of wine can help you stay younger.  

 How safe it is to consume wine? Women can consume 2o ml of wine twice a week. Well, a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grain and water will provide the same benefits as wine… So my non-drinker friends, you can very well avoid wine. As for alcohol drinkers, overconsumption of wine may cause you to weight gain, migraine attacks, rise in triglyceride levels and even liver failure in extreme cases. Wine has its own pros and cons. Just because it’s healthy, you’re not supposed to drink wine heavily and cause damage to your health. It’s just a healthy form of alcohol which should be enjoyed only on certain occasions.

 Image Sources — 1

kartik kumar
kartik kumar
Kartik Kumar is a regular geeky guy until you talk to him and find out his witty sarcasm and sense of humor engaging enough. He loves prolonging his tasks, but claims does Wondering how to shape his career, as his mom finds blogging not a serious career choice! Obsessed with #Dexter (TV show), he is an amazing guitarist and among his many loves, his first love is rock music. Kartik is responsible for many things at the back-end, so if something feels missing, give him a shout.

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