10 Beautifully Amazing Summer Skincare Rules For Sensitive Skin


If you have sensitive skin, then summers are probably the worst time for your skin. A little trip to the market, a walk on the beach or an evening walk is just enough to make your skin inflamed, red, itchy and irritated. The harsh sun is the real culprit here. But the good news is that you don’t have to hide in your house anymore. With our summer skincare rules for sensitive skin, you can make your skin summer ready.

1. Put on sunscreen- If you have sensitive skin, then sunscreen is your best friend in the summers. One of the best sunscreen range available in India is from the brand lotus. They have a sunscreen for every skin type and the SPF offered too varies so that you can choose the one which suits your requirement the best. The gel based sunscreen is the best suited for sensitive skin plus it gets easily absorbed by the skin without leaving a white cast on your face. Just make sure to apply the sunscreen at least 30 minutes before leaving the house.

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2. Avoid scented products- Scented or perfumed product may smell great and seems like the perfect choice for the summers, but these products can easily irritate the sensitive skin. Make sure to avoid such products at all costs as these can cause itchiness and redness on your face. Avoid putting on deodorants on your skin instead choose perfumes which can be sprayed over your clothes.

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3. Stop touching your face- A lot of women have this habit of unknowingly touching their face throughout the day, which can make things worse for your sensitive skin. No matter how clean your fingers may appear, but they are always covered with bacteria. When you touch your face with your hands you transfer this bacteria to your face, which then leads to several skin related problems.

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4. Pick tubes over jars- It is always better to choose products which come in tubes instead of jars. When compared to jars tubes are a better option when talking about the sanitation. Putting your hands in the jar every time you want to scoop out the product does not sound that great as the bacteria from your hands are left behind in the jar contaminating the product. Another reason being that whenever you open the lid of the jar the bacteria from the air gets into the jar again leaving the product contaminated.

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5. Go for natural products- If you have sensitive skin, then it is better to avoid harsh chemicals as much as possible. Go for natural products which have the least amount of harsh and toxic stuff in it. Products made from natural extracts not only benefit your skin but also provide it with all the important nutrients that the skin needs.

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6. Avoid the use of hot water- Even plain water can harm your skin if proper care is not taken. Water which is too hot can irritate your skin, making it extra sensitive and red and may also create rashes. Especially in summers when your skin is already very irritated, you don’t want to bother it even more. Lukewarm water is most preferred to wash your face and pat dry your face once you are done.

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7. Eat berries- Berries and citrus fruits are the best things to eat if you want your skin to be healthy. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries contain vitamin A and C which help in restoring the lost nutrients from the skin. You can either eat these fruits to get the benefits from them or you can also use products which contain extracts of these fruits.

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8. Drink lots of water- We have heard this one so many times that you must drink lots of water so as to keep your skin healthy and taut. Drinking water is not just good for your skin, but also for your overall health, thus, you must drink lots of water throughout the day.

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9. Let your skin breathe– In summers, your skin is already suffering so much that you don’t want to pile on too many skincare and makeup products to make it even worse. Since you sweat a lot in the summers the sweat combined with all the products can make things worse for your skin. If you want to keep your skin free from all sorts of problems during the summers make sure to keep it simple and minimalistic. Just follow the normal routine of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing accompanied by regular scrubbing and mask application. Also, as mentioned above, don’t forget to use a sunscreen before you head out of the house.

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10. Don’t wash your face often- During summers your face may get oily faster and more often, but it does not mean that you should start washing your face more than the usual. Washing your face too often can make your skin dry and dehydrated. Just wash your face twice a day followed by your moisturizer to lock in the moisture.

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