5 Sex-Related Problem Women Face after Marriage!


The impact of our busy life can be seen in the form of various problems faced by the youth these days. Hectic schedule not only brings about stress related issues in people but also causes sex related problems in both men and women. A survey has revealed that 43 percent women now suffer from sexual problems at a young age.

Sexual problems in women1Image Source: https://images.onlymyhealth.com/

Our lack of awareness plays a chief role in causing the sex-related problems in multitudes. This is the reason why most of the people don’t consult a doctor when they face such problems. And what’s the outcome? The problem gets aggravated to such an extent that it starts taking a toll on their personal lives as well. Today we are going to raise the curtains from certain sex-related problems faced by women

Sexual problems in women2Image Source: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/

1. Hormonal imbalance
A woman’s body undergoes many changes at the time her menstruation starts. These changes are further heightened when the women become sexually active. Often the birth control methods have ill-effects on her hormonal system.

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Sexual problems in women3Image Source: https://www.ourhealthpage.com/

2. Leukorrhea
This is a disorder where women experience yellow or white mucous like discharge from her vagina. This decreases the libido in women.

Sexual problems in women4Image Source: https://lovelace-media.imgix.net/

3. Uterine problems
If you do not practice pubic hygiene, the germs can enter your uterus to cause severe infections. Uterine problems often lead to dyspareunia, which means painful sex.

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4. Lack of Knowledge
Most of the women aren’t told much about sex before they are thrown into married life. This causes painful sex which often scars their lifetime notion about sex. So before jumping into your ‘first time’, it is better to gain sufficient knowledge about the same.

Sexual problems in women6Image Source: https://www.rajanego.co.id/

5. Lack of Libido (Sex Drive)
The biggest sexual problem that most of the women face is the lack of sex drive. Some time after marriage, women don’t feel like having sex anymore. This is a serious issue which shouldn’t be ignored at all. In such cases, the husbands should cooperate with her woman and should seek immediate medical help.

Sexual problems in women7Image Source: https://www.maxi-mag.fr/

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