6 Most Vital Tips For Preventing Skin Breakouts In Summer


The summer humidity takes a toll on the texture of our skin and as a result our face looks pale dead. On the other hands it becomes difficult to hide skin flaws with makeup in the summer because makeup melts in hot weather.

A recent study conducted by Princeton University’s Health Services USA revealed that 85 percent of boys and girls between ages 12 and 25 witness some skin trouble in summer but a very less percentage know how to prevent it. The researchers at Princeton University’s Health Services observed that people living in hot and humid areas such as a tropical city or a kitchen of a hotel, restaurant or home suffer more skin problems in summer season due to perspiration.

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An American dermatologist has mentioned 11 vital tips in his book for preventing skin breakouts in summer. Read and share with others.

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1. Wash face with alcohol free face wash and Luke warm water

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To wash the face after sweating is necessary for preventing skin breakdown that leads to pimples later on. It will remove oil and dirt from your face. But try to wash face with some alcohol free face wash followed by a wash with Luke warm water. Luke warm water opens skin pores which are important for preventing pimples.

2. Wash the excessive oil on your face
Humidity stimulates oil secretion in skin pores which results in acne and pimples. Wash excessive oil with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These two products have a tendency to dry skin and to kill acne causing bacteria.

3. Use clean oil absorbing tissue paper for removing extra perspiration

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Our Whole body perspires in hot weather. So there are chances that dirt, bacteria and oil may be present on our finger tips and if we will touch the tender skin of face, there are chances of acne and pimple formation. The best method to remove moisture from face is to use a clean oil absorbing tissue paper. Skin- blotting cosmetic papers are easily available in any cosmetic store.

4. Use cleansing brush to remove dirt from the clogged pores
Use cleansing brush to remove dirt from the clogged pores. It will go deeper than your fingers and second chances of infection are also avoided.

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5. Face toner preferably with Salicylic acid

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Skin toner helps in reducing oil secretion. Apply on your body once in a day, it will protect you throughout the day. Try to choose a toner that contains salicylic acid because that will help you in fighting against pimples too.

6. Apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide at the time of going to bed

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The prevention is better than cure. Start these steps before skin breakout. Don’t wait for acne and pimples appearing on your face, start applying a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide at the time of going to bed. It has a tendency to kill bacteria that may later on give you trouble.

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