6 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship


Conflicts and differences are inevitable to every relationship. No matter how much you love each other there ought to be differences and it is totally normal. there will be fights, arguments and so much more and since you are in love with your partner you will let go and ignore a lot of things which might have hurt you or were morally incorrect. But it is important to understand there are certain things which should not go ignored no matter what. If any of the below-mentioned things are happening to you then it is probably time to take a stand for yourself and move out of that relationship. Today we are going to discuss with you 6 things that you should never tolerate in a relationship.

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1. Violence- If yours is a healthy relationship then there is no room for even the slightest chance of violence. Can you imagine someone being violent to you if they really care for you or love you? Absolutely not. If the other person is being violent, it is clear that your partner doesn’t really care about you and there is absolutely no reason why you should tolerate it while giving it a second chance.

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2. Verbal or emotional abuse- If you are dealing with continuous abuse in your relationship whether verbal or physical, then you shouldn’t. Though physical abuse is very easy to identify but when it comes to verbal or mental abuse it may take you a lot of time to realize that you are a victim of the same. This happens because you get so captivated by all this that you don’t even realize that it is happening to you.

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3. Cheating- One of the most important pillars on which a relationship relies is trust and if your partner is cheating on you, he is letting go one of the most important aspects of a relationship. Remember that if your partner can cheat on you once then there are 100% chances that this might happen again.

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4. Forced sex- A lot of people are not aware of the word “marital rape” and a majority of people in India will subside such a thing. It is so because according to them once you are married it is the right of your partner to have sex with you even when you don’t want to and there is absolutely no such thing called marital rape. The mentality though makes me think twice about the kind of development and growth that is taking place in the country which allows marital rapes under the name of some so called “right”. But keep in mind that even if you are married or not, never do something that you don’t want to. It is better to walk out of that relationship with your dignity intact rather than letting some egoistic sadist ruin it for you.

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5. Body shaming- Body shaming is not acceptable no matter what. If your partner is calling you fat or making senseless comments on the way you look, then you need to tell them to stop. Tell them that you don’t like it. If they still can’t keep a check on their mouth, then it is better to leave that person.

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6. You are not a priority- Now this does not mean that your partner has to put you first in everything. Everyone has a family as well as friends who have been a part of their life even before you came in and they have other commitments to take care of so it is not possible to keep you first always. But if you see that you are always on the last when it comes to their priority list, then it is obvious that your partner is taking you for granted. Now it is your duty to realize that if you really want to be someone to whom you are not a priority.

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