7 Essential Grooming Tips For Working Women


It is very important for working women to take care of their personal grooming and paying attention to their overall appearance which speaks a lot about your personality. People are always going to judge you first on the basis of how you look and then on what you have to say. Based on those judgements they make an opinion about the critical factors that represent you as a person such as how trustworthy you are or how efficient you are at your job, your upbringing and so much more.

Thus, it gets really important to spend a considerate amount of time on your personal grooming on a regular basis. Today, I am going to share with you some tips that will help you in achieving that well-groomed look for your office.

1. Take care of your hands- One thing that people will notice the most about you are your hands. Untidy or dry hands may look unattractive. Especially when you shake hands with people they can feel it too. Washing your hands too often can make them lose all the moisture and make them feel extremely dry over a period of time. So in order to replenish the lost moisture, apply a thick hand cream every time you wash your hands. Also, make it a habit of applying sunscreen on your hands as well before heading out in the sun.

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2. Keep your belongings clean- Not just your clothes, it is also very important that you keep your other belongings clean as well, especially your shoes and your handbags. Apart from your hands the second most common thing that people notice about you are your footwear. So make sure that you wear a nice pair of sandals and also ensure that they are clean and in a good condition. Your handbag too says a lot about your personality plus it holds all of your important stuff so it is equally important to take care of that as well. Use a clean cotton cloth to wipe away all the dirt and gunk trapped in the nooks and corners of your handbag.

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3. Tame your baby hair- Well managed hair can make you look wow without doing much. Well managed hair makes you look professional and well groomed. While frizzy hair can make you look shabby and disorganized. In order to tame that mane, you don’t have to do much. All you need is an old toothbrush and a hair spray to get those frizzes managed. Just spray on some hairspray onto the old toothbrush and glide it onto your baby hair to tame them down. You can also use a clear mascara or hair gel to do the same.

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4. Don’t ignore your ears- This one body part that a lot of people ignore and don’t pay enough attention to. They are also a part of your body and thus, you need to pay some attention to them. Make sure to clean them on a regular basis. Don’t forget to apply moisturizer, sunscreen as well as makeup on your ears as they are also a part of their face. If you have piercings make sure to clean the thoroughly every time you take a shower. Your ears produce ear wax naturally and it is very important to clean it with an ear bud, but try to be as gentle as possible as you don’t want to hurt yourself.

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5. Take care of little things- Make sure that you keep a check on little Knick-knacks that can make a huge difference to your personality. For example, if your nail paint is chipped or old, clean it. If you can see threads sticking out of your clothes cut them, tweeze your eyebrows and make them look tidy, use a hair straightener to make that collar crisp, as all these little things can make so much difference to your appearance. If you want to look well-groomed you have to put in some extra effort too.

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6. Carry Q-tips- Q-tips can be your life saviour so make sure to carry some in your bag. You can use these for the purpose they are actually meant for or you also use them for several other tasks. You can use these to clear the gunk deposited in the inner corner of your eyes or you can use them to clean smudged mascara or eyeliner. If you have oily eyelids you can use these to soak up the excess oil as well.

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7. Don’t forget that one thing that completes you- Everyone has that one thing without which you don’t leave your house. It can be your lipstick, your sunglasses, favourite perfume or anything for that matter. Always carry that one thing with you as this will give you a sudden boost of confidence. And as we all know that nothing could be more attractive than a confident woman, so make sure to keep that confidence high.

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