8 Ways to Use Salt for Beauty Benefits


You’ll never understand the worth of a salt until and unless it is lacking in food. A pinch of salt can add as well as snatch away the taste from your food. But you mustn’t be knowing that apart from adding flavour to our food, it can be used to add charm to our beauty. You can stop using expensive beauty products from now on, because you won’t be needing them after reading this post. Don’t be surprised. Let’s unveil some beauty secrets of salt.

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1. Salt as a Toner
Salt is an outstanding toner which can detoxify your pores and can control the oil production in your skin. So if you have oily skin and are fed up of trying so many products, salt is a boon for you. You can use it as a toner. Just add a teaspoon of salt in a bowl of water. Mix it and store it in a bottle. Use it just like you use your toner.

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2. Facial Steam with Salt
Steam can cleanse your skin thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of salt in a bowl of boiling water. Take the steam with this water. This will reduce your pimples and blemishes.

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3. Salt Facial Scrub
Salt is rich in essential minerals which helps your skin in moisture retention. You can use it as an exfoliator. Take some salt and olive oil in equal quantities and massage it on your face. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

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4. Salt Body Scrub
Not only your face, you can exfoliate your whole body with salt. Salt is a natural exfoliator which helps in eliminating dead skin cells from body. Add 1/4th cup of aloe vera gel to the salt. Add few drops of any essential oil and massage it on your body.

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5. Salt for Healthy Cuticles
Salt can soften your cuticles as well. It also adds shine to your nails. Take some salt, baking soda and lemon juice in equal quantities. Add them to lukewarm water. Soak your nails in this water. This will keep your cuticles moisturized.

Salt for Beauty Benefits6Image Source: epsomsaltuses

6. Freedom from Dandruff
Salt can exfoliate your scalp and eliminate the dandruff flakes from it. Sprinkles some salt on your scalp and massage it using your wet fingers. Wash your hair afterward.

Salt for Beauty Benefits7Image Source: healthexpertgroup

7. Whiten Your Teeth
Mix some salt and baking soda in equal amounts and massage it on your teeth. It will make your teeth shiny and whiter.

A pinch of salt to make you beautiful8Image Source: irvinedentalcare

8. Goodbye Bad Breath
With the help of salt, you can get rid of bad breath. Salt is a natural disinfectant which gets rid of odour causing bacteria in our mouth. Add ½ teaspoon to ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Add some water and gargle your mouth using this water. Rinse it well.

Bad BreathImage Source: thelifesquare

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