I used to be among those girls who love oiling hair and I have done that with all my heart since my school time. The reason? My grandma always used to advice that without oiling you can’t grow your hair long, and I was always fascinated about those younger models who used to have hair till hip bone. So you can say I had really thick and long tresses. Then I moved to Delhi – the place of ambition and passion. After few days I began noticing girls having short hair the way my younger brother has. And it surprised me a lot!
Few of my Delhi friends also suggested me to stop oiling and try some hair cut, but I was too adamant because of my grandma’s suggestion. I thought I won’t be able to re-grow my hair (and I know the thought was irrelevant). But there was something that was beholding me. And one fine day my curious friends managed to get me to a salon and within few minutes, all my lovely tresses were spreaded around me, near my feet! I was scared! Believe me I was feeling as I have gone bald L
But then when I looked myself in the mirror, I could not believe that it was me, I looked different and of course smarter and sexier and hot and any proverb that I could imagine.
And this is how I developed my interest in hair-cuts and these days I am the boss of all, in the matter of getting any sexy hair-cut done, silly! Never mind, I got to learn this after my very first encounter:
- Anybody can look different after having a hair-cut done J
- It is important to get rid of dead hair so that you can make room for the newer ones
- You obviously can re-grow your hair unlike my perception 😛
- Managing hair after you get them cut is lot easier as all spilt ends and all dead hair are gone
- There are variety of styles that you can try according to your face shape and size
So gals I shared with you an amazing life turning experience (I could say) and I know many of you could relate to what I was saying. So let me know if you have any similar encounter. J I will be waiting for your comments. Good Bye!