The mixed sprouts curry or the usal as it is known in Maharashtra is a typical Maharashtrian breakfast recipe. It comprises of a spicy curry made from mixed sprouts and is usually served in...
The garlic chicken is a perfect appetizer or side dish recipe. The best part is that you need very less time to cook this one. It is a great recipe to prepare for parties...
Periods are anyways very disturbing and annoying. But as if that was not enough to make our life miserable, a lot of women also deal with irregular periods as well. It may involve excessive...
This palak paneer bhurji recipe is a hybrid of paneer bhurji and palak paneer. You get the texture of paneer bhurji and the taste is very similar to palak paneer. It is a great...
Words are never enough to describe the pain and despair of a person whose best friend is shifting town. Just this one change is enough to switch your life completely upside down. But that...
The best part about sandwiches is that you can put anything in them and make a different creation each time. So today I am going to share with you this amazing tandoori chicken sandwich...
Dieting is one of those fitness/health related terms which is the most misunderstood of all. People often think of dieting as eating less and starving themselves. But in reality, dieting is all about maintaining...
There is one thing which is very typically Indian and i.e. that we love to add an Indian twist to almost all the international cuisines we eat. Whether it is Chinese, Lebanese or Italian...