A better alternative to your shaving cream- Coconut oil

Summers are here and in this dreadful weather all that you want to wear are your shorts and skirts. But one thing that often stops you from wearing them are those pesky little hairs...

Parenting: What is an Ideal Age Gap Between Two Children?

Frankly speaking, there is no ideal age gap between kids, but you have to be thorough about the pros and cons of it before extending your family. If you’re planning out to have more...

Warning: Plastic Containers Are Weakening Up Your Baby’s Teeth!

A rather surprising and heartbreaking claim has been made by a recent study. Certain chemicals present in the plastic can weaken your kid’s teeth. You must be wondering how plastic could be related to...

You Should Never Re-Heat These 7 Food Items!

There are certain cuisines which we like to eat over and over again. So when our favourite dish is made at our home, we always try that we eat the same dish three times...

Your Mobile Phone Radiations Are Killing You! Here’s What to Do!

In this era, there’s no single person who’s not having a personal mobile phone. Gone are those days when the whole family used a single landline phone for making telephonic conversations. Gradually, mobile phones...

Never Forget To Clean These 6 Things Daily!

We never forget to clean the dust off our household items. Or do we? But there are some things which are nastily dirty but are usually overlooked by us. These items hide bacteria and...

6 Tips to Avoid Mobile Phone Addiction in Your Kids

Are your kids ignoring you just because they’re too much involved in their mobile phones? With the introduction of handheld mobile phones, tablets and what not, parents are becoming more and more worried about their...

9 Unusual Activities In The Morning That Can Actually Make Your Day

As we wake up in the morning, we all have our own ways of doing things, some of us like to start with bed tea. Others start with jogging and then drink tea. Many...

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