5 Best Home Remedies To Grow Thick Eyebrows Naturally


Natural beauty is actually something which all girls praise and puts all efforts to achieve. People go for various cosmetic procedures in order to be beautiful, without thinking about their side effects.

Face is the most important part of the body which needs more care to look pretty as well as flawless. For this natural beauty, the effective thing one can do is use natural ingredients which won’t harm your soft skin.

Let us have a look at 5 best remedies that can effectively help grow your eyebrows thicker naturally.

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1. Castor Oil


Castor oil is known for its unique property of promoting the hair growth and also making your hair stronger.

Now, take a few drops of organic castor oil and then apply these on the eyebrows. Massage it properly using your fingertips and leave it on for about 30 minutes or one hour. Use a warm towel for removing the oils from the eyebrows. Repeat the process for at least eight weeks, and you will get the desired result.

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2. Aloe Vera Gel


Aloenin is a powerful compound present in the aloe vera, which is beneficial for boosting the hair growth.

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Take fresh aloe vera leaves and cut it using a knife. Extract gel from the leaves and then store it in a small container. Take a small quantity of the aloe vera gel and then apply it on the eyebrows. Massage this gel until this is fully absorbed on the eyebrows. Repeat the process thrice a day.

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3. Vitamin E


 Vitamin E is very rich in antioxidants which promote the hair growth.

Take one vitamin E capsule and then cut it open gently. Then use the content to apply gently and massage it on the eyebrows. Leave this for overnight and then follow this process every day for at around 7-8 weeks.

4. Whole Milk


Whole milk is packed with important minerals, vitamins, and nutrients which help boost hair growth. Take clean cotton ball and then soak in whole milk. Gently massage on the eyebrows. Then leave it there for around 15 minutes and use some warm water to wash this off. Repeat this process daily until you get the desired results.

Also read: How to Grow Thicker Eyebrows – 10 Simple Ways

5. Lemon Peel and Coconut oil


Lemon improves the blood circulation in your hair follicles and the coconut oil would help nourish these.

To make a mixture for the remedy, you have to take a lemon and then peel it. Chop the lemon peel and store these in the glass bottle or containers. Then add coconut oil in the glass container with lemon peel and then store it in dark and cool place for about 14 days.

Start applying the mixture on the eyebrows in the night and massage it slowly. Repeat this until you see the desired result.

And do not forget to drink water to help the body flush out harmful toxins and also to keep you well hydrated. This boosts hair growth. This way you can grow thicker eyebrow without wasting much money on chemical-laden products.

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