Makeup Hack: 5 Genius Ways to Use Your Lipstick



Lipstick is the important part of the makeup as it makes your lips look beautiful and add an X-factor to your entire look. But do you guys know that you can use your lipstick in many ways to increase your beauty quotient? So, in this article, we have shared some genius ways to use your lipstick.

1. Use as a concealer

Use as a concealerImage Source:hearstapps

Yes, you heard it right. You can use your nude lipstick to conceal your dark circles. Just grab a nude lipstick and dab it under your eyes. And don’t forget to blend it with pressed powder.

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2. As an eyeshadow

As an eyeshadowImage Source:hearstapps

This is the smart way to use lipstick if you run out of eyeshadow. Just pick up a shade that you want to use glitter, nude matte or dark pigmented one. Just dab it on your lids and get a beautiful eye makeup.

3. Contour your face

Contour your faceImage Source:quora

Brown lipstick is the best shade to contour your face. Just use it like the normal contour stick and apply it across your cheekbones, jawline and other edges to get a perfect and highlighted makeup.

4. Use it as a blush

Use it as a blushImage Source:makeupandbeautyblog

Pick any lighter shade of lipstick and use it as a blush. You can opt for matte with coral hue or a glossy pink one to highlight your cheekbones. You just need to dab some lipstick on your cheeks and blend it nicely with your fingers.

5. As an eyeliner

As an eyelinerImage Source:hellogiggles

Another way to use lipstick when you run out of eyeliner. Break the monotony by using a colorful shade to highlight your eyes. And always use a brush to line your eyes.


CH Mini
CH Mini
A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.

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