Simple Ways to Remove Upper Lip Hair


Facial hair are common to both men and women. Normally, in women these hair are very fine and unnoticeable, but in some women the hair are much more visible. Upper lip hair, in general, can be very embarrassing and a spoiler for women.

Thank god there are various options available that work wonders in getting rid of upper lip hair and wont poke a hole in your pocket.

1. Turmeric: Turmeric is often used in Indian homes for enhancing the complexion and keeping various skin problems at bay. Regular use of turmeric can help you get rid of unwanted facial hair including upper lip.

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  • Take equal amount turmeric and water.
  • Combine them to make a paste.
  • Apply this on your upper lip and let it dry.
  • Once dry, remove it by rubbing it off gently.
  • Wash with warm water.
1.-TurmericImage Source:

2. Egg whites: If your skin is very sensitive egg whites are a good option.

  • Whisk one egg white with some corn flour and powdered sugar.
  • Apply this paste on your upper lip area.
  • Let it dry for 30 minutes and peel off.
Egg-whitesImage Source:

3. Besan and yogurt: Another great home remedy for removing upper lip hair naturally is besan and yogurt paste.

  • Take equal amount of besan and yogurt in a bowl and make a smooth paste of it.
  • Apply this paste on your upper lip.
  • Let it dry and then rub it off.
  • Wash with lukewarm water.
Besan-and-yogurtImage Source:

4. Flour: It is readily available in every household.

  • Take 1 tbsp. flour and add a pinch of turmeric to it.
  • Add milk to form a thick paste.
  • Apply to the upper lip and let it dry.
  • Once dry, peel it off.
FlourImage Source:

5. Threading: If you don’t want to spend time at trying different home remedies and want immediate results then opt for threading. You can do it at home or get it done at a parlor.

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6. Coffee and baking soda scrub: This scrub will considerably reduce the growth of hair when used regularly.

  • Combine coffee and baking soda in the ratio of 2:1, i.e. 2 tbsp coffee and 1 tbsp baking soda.
  • Scrub the affected area with this mixture every day for 2 weeks to notice visible results.


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7. Sugar waxing: If you are comfortable with the idea of getting your facial hair waxed then sugar waxing is perfect for you. The effects are great and long lasting. It is comparatively less painful than the normal waxing, hence it is a perfect option for a sensitive area like your face.

Sugar-waxingImage Source:

8. Lemon, sugar and water: This one is another great remedy which is simple yet effective.

  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a bowl.
  • Add sugar and water to make a thin paste.
  • Apply this paste on your upper lip and let it dry.
  • Once dry wash it off with water.
Lemon,-sugar-and-waterImage Source:

Should I shave?
NO. By no means should you ever shave your face. Shaving would even worsen the condition. It would create blunt edges on your hair making them grow coarser and more like a stubble.

Should-I-shaveImage Source:: irishtimes

Permanent options

If you are looking for a more permanent option then you should go for laser hair removal. Laser procedures take several sessions depending on the hair growth and are pretty costly. But the results are permanent and satisfactory. Although before undergoing any such procedure you must check the credentials of the doctor or the technician who will perform the procedure.

Permanent-optionsImage Source:: grouponcdn

After the procedure you have to take several precautions and some medication for the initial days.

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