Tips To Apply Makeup Around Your Nose Piercing


Does your glittering nose ring come in your way whenever you go for a thorough makeup session? Do you always feel confused about how to do makeup around your nose piercing? Now, forget all worries. Here is a detailed process of how to apply makeup around a nose piercing perfectly.

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People with nose piercing will easily relate to this problem. Whenever you sit down to do your makeup, your dazzling little nose ring always gets in your way. It can be a lot of pain if your nose piercing is very recent and still in the healing process.

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You don’t really need a lot of things to do this makeup look. All you need is a foundation, probably the one that you are going to use on your face. Also, make sure that your foundation has medium to full coverage as you don’t want to layer on the product on your piercing.

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Another thing that you need is a small angled brush probably the one that you use to fill in your eyebrows. This brush will help you get into the nooks and corner of the piercing easily. Another advantage of using a brush is that you won’t be touching your piercing with your hands, which can transfer germs to the piercing.

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  •  Once you have all your tools ready, the first step is to prime the area well with a silicone based primer. The primer will fill up all the pores making the area smooth and ready for the foundation application.
  •  Once you have primed the area around your nose piercing the next step is to apply foundation. Take out just a little bit of foundation on the back of your hand, dip the angled brush in the foundation to pick just a little amount of foundation.
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  •  Now carefully apply the foundation on the area surrounding the piercing. Make sure not to rub the brush on your skin instead just tap the product on the skin to cover the whole area. The angled brush will make sure that the foundation will get distributed well and only to places which need coverage.
  •  Now use your little finger to blend the foundation well. Try not to disturb the piercing at all. Dust a little bit of powder on it to set everything.
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Alternative method:

In the above-stated method, we used a foundation and angled brush to apply makeup around your nose piercing. But what if you don’t have a foundation or an angled brush? To make it easier for you, we are providing you with some of the alternative methods to apply makeup around your nose piercing.

  •  You can swap your foundation with a medium to heavy coverage concealer. This method is very helpful if you have a lot of blemishes around your piercing or on your nose. Some concealers even come with a doe foot applicator for a precise application.
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  •  Or if your concealer doesn’t come with one, then you can use a clean Q-tip for applying the same. Q-tips are one of the most easily available makeup applicators which are available at all times at your house or in your handbag.
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  •  If you don’t want to use your fingers for the purpose of blending, then use a blending brush instead. The brush works really well in blending the product without making your makeup look patchy.
    Also, keep these points in mind.

Since your piercing is relatively new, you have to take some preventive steps when applying any makeup on or around your piercing. This will prevent you from getting any sort of infections and complications.

1. Make sure not to apply any makeup when your piercing is fresh. The skin needs some time to heal. If you start layering products on top of it before it gets healed you may amp up the chances of getting an infection.

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2. Try to keep your piercing as clean as possible. Wash your piercing twice a day with sea salt and warm water solution. Dip a Q-tip in this solution and apply it on your piercing. Also, ensure that when you are applying makeup to this area always use clean hands or brushes, make sure to sanitize your hands before applying any makeup and also clean your brushes once a week so that your brushes are bacteria free.

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3. The way you keep your makeup tools and equipment clean, it is recommended for you take good care of your piercing as well. Make sure never go to bed with your makeup on around your piercing as it may lead to infections. To clean the skin around the piercing, dip a Q-tip in some warm oil and wipe off all the makeup. Then take another Q-tip dip it in water and wipe off the excess oil.

Now that you know all about applying makeup around your nose piercing and how to keep it clean and infection free, go ahead and do your makeup just like a pro.

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