Tips to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready!!


Monsoons aren’t exactly your home’s friend! From dirty floors, to damp furniture and moist clothes, with the downpour of first rain, everything just seems utterly messy. Read on, I am gonna give a few tips that will help you prep up your house before the thick black clouds rain those heavy showers on us! Learn to care about your lovely house this monsoon.

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Keep Dampness Away:

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NEVER SHUT THE WINDOWS!! This is the most common mistake most of us commit to keep the water out. Though it is an excellent habit, but make sure to open the windows to let the daylight flow into the room. It eradicates humidity and wetness from your home keeping, it lively and cheerful. Silica gel powders can be spread in the cupboards and drawers; they are very potent moisture absorber. You can also leave in a few silica gel balls in your shoes for preventing mild-dew.

Here are Some Easy tips to Make your Home Monsoon Ready!

Stain Proof Floors:

Have you heard about monsoon proof floor? NO? Isn’t it absolutely annoying to see stains in the spotless tiles? Place a doormat at the entrance and bring “no shoes beyond the door” strategy into action. Always keep a bucket so that your family members can keep their wet umbrellas and rain coat in it.

Store You Fancy Trimmings for a While:

Lock all your fancy carpets during the season of rain. Use rugs instead, they dry away instantly. Velvets and other expensive fabrics tend to get spoiled, so, I would recommend the usage of breathable furnishings. They are very easy to maintain.

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Incorporate Colors:

Say goodbye to the dull browns and grays for a while. Let these shades be confined to the sky only. You can keep your home perky and peppy. Add bright colored cushions, rugs in your décor as light colors tend to show dirt easily.

Say No to Heavy Drapes:

Heavy drapes and monsoon don’t go hand in hand. Once wet, they take ages to dry off. So, what we need to dress our window is light fabrics like Georgette and chiffon. Yes, they are no more the staple of our desi saris or suits. Markets are flourished with several Georgette drapes. These eradicate the musty smell and leave your home free from humid. Cotton curtains with light lace looks adorable. It even facilitates proper ventilation.

Make sure to check that your home is ready to face the hardness of the weather. Try the aforementioned tips and enjoy the splashing of heavy downpours.

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